Chapter 6

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I watch the girl I almost kissed leave and the door shuts. I'm lost in thought staring at the door when I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my cheek and feel myself getting pushed very aggressively.

"Ow" I say in a 'what the fuck' tone as I crash into my filing cabinet. I look at Genevieve and see tears in her eyes as she gets closer to me.

She just fucking slapped me.

I lift up my hands ready to block any other hits that she has ready. "Why the hell did you hit me?" I say confused at why she's being abusive right now.

"You asshole. How could you kiss her after telling me earlier that we were gonna talk about us?" She hits my arm again and I flinch. My eyebrows are furrowed as I look at her like she's crazy.

"I didn't kiss her. It wasn't like that Genna." I say with a huff rubbing my arm where she hit me. I'm sure my face is red from that slap because I can feel the heat radiating from that spot.

"You're such a fucking liar. You're probably fucking her huh?" She snarls at me before grabbing the glass statue I had of my dream Porsche and throwing it against the wall making it shatter. 

My jaw drops as I see the car now just a million tiny pieces on the floor. "Genevieve What the fuck, that was expensive." I curse at her getting angry now. I step closer to her and she looks up to me. "What are you gonna do? Hit me?" She's breathing heavy and staring into my soul.

I clench my jaw and roll my eyes looking away. I'd never hit a woman. Especially someone I care for. "No. Can we just calm down and talk please. Baby we didn't do anything. You're acting irrational." She glares at me for trying to sweet talk her but it works anyways. She drops the angry act and starts to let the tears flow now. She drops herself on the chair that Ruby was just in and puts her face in her hands.

"I came to see if you wanted to get lunch to find you all cuddled up and close with her Y/n. Do you not understand how that makes me feel?" She looks up at me with tear filled eyes and red cheeks. My heart breaks at the look she gives me and I kneel down in front of her. I take her hands in my own and lift her head. 

"Genna I'm sorry for hurting you but nothing happened. I swear. We were just coworkers having lunch and chatting." She drops her head again slightly shaking it.

"Be honest with me. Do you have feelings for her?" I don't say anything for a bit, not sure how to answer the question. 

She scoffs and nods, "right" getting up to leave. She pushes past me and reaches for the door, "I'll see you later Y/n" and she leaves me in my office with glass on the floor and a red cheek.

Still kneeling on the floor, I move to sit down full and bring my knees up dropping my head on them. What is going on.

I hear my door open softly and I lift up my head a bit to see Ruby there peeking in.

"I um.. heard glass break. Are you okay?" She asks with worry. A soft smile sneaks its way on my face as I look at the broken glass figure. 

"Yeah, just a bit confused." I move to stand up and dust myself off when a piece of glass that was on my pants cuts my hand. I wince and shake my hand before trying to see if there's glass in it.

Ruby notices I hurt myself and walks over to me. "Here let me" She takes my hand and pulls me to the connected private bathroom in my office. Turning on the light she checks the drawers and finds a first aid kit. I stand there with my bloody palm held out like a child. I'm sure I look crazy as ever. 

She looks up to my face with a sad expression probably seeing the slap mark. Grabbing the tweezers, she pulls out the piece of glass that was in my hand. I cringe at the pain for a minute but quickly recover as she looks to me and I give an awkward smile.

She grabs alcohol wipes to clean the blood off and I grunt feeling the sting. "Shit" I pull my hand away and blow on the cut. She giggles and pulls my hand back. "stop being a child and let me clean it"

After some gauze, she's finally done. I let out a breath and take a seat on the toilet. I feel exhausted. Still standing there she steps a bit closer. "hey" she says to get my attention.

I look to her. "Why'd she hit you?" she eyes my red cheek and I look down.

"She thinks we kissed and that I have feelings for you." 

"Well technically we did almost kiss." I look up to her with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean.. yeah but it didn't happen."

"What are you confused about?" She asked as she gets an ice pack from the first aid and cracks it to activate it. 

Holding the pack against my cheek, she forces me to look up to her. 

I can't help but get lost in her eyes and respond, "You"

She's caught off guard a bit and says "So you do have feelings for me?"

I stutter a bit. "I think so. I mean I want to get to know you more."

She chuckles and rolls her eyes. "I don't think your girlfriend would like that very much."

I quickly stand up. "She's not my girlfriend. She wants to be but I've waited 2 years for her to figure out what she wants and as soon as I'm ready to move on she suddenly wants me." 

Ruby looks at me, pulls away the ice pack then sets it on the bathroom counter. She looks in thought for a bit.

"I want to get to know you too. But not while she's in the picture." she gives me a sad smile before moving to leave when I grab her hand and spin her back around. 

"I'll talk to her. You don't have anything to worry about." I look down at her as she has her hand on my arm and one hand holding mine. 

"We'll see about that." She lets go and walks out leaving my office.

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