Chapter 2

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"Come in James, sit please" I tell him as I take a seat behind my desk.

"Ma'am, I just want to say I am very sorry for what I said and I would never say or do anything stupid again." he was attempting desperately to get on my good side.

I stare at the man in front of me. He looks so small now that he didn't have a crowd to boast to.

"Do you not respect women James?" I question him.

"I do, I do I swear. It was just a joke." He laughs nervously.

"You don't joke about your boss like that. Makes me wonder what else you say around this office." I narrow my eyes at him. 

"Respectfully ma'am we all know about your sleeping habits around the office. Why are you so worried about me?" He says trying to get cocky again. 

"Unlike you, I respect women. My sleeping habits have nothing to do with this conversation." I glare at him for bringing my personal life into this. 

"Now, what you're going to do.. is take this little cardboard box." I reach for a cardboard box for files and put it in front of him. 

"And you're gonna clear your desk and get out of my face." 

The man looks at me in disbelief realizing I'm insinuating that he's fired. He scoffs standing up and starts ranting. I stand up and move to the opposite side of my desk to lean on while he's pacing my office angrily. Giving him a bored look I let him let it all out.

Ruby's POV

While at my desk, I suddenly hear shouting from the office across from mine. I get up to investigate what is going on. Standing in the door frame of my office I look towards Claudia and see she looks calm and not at all alarmed. Is this a normal occurrence? 

"You can't fire me you bitch! I've done everything for this company. You can't just replace me!" 

I raise my eyebrows at the man's angry voice and lean onto my door frame waiting for something else to happen. 

Suddenly, the door is opened by Y/n who has the man by the arm as he tries to wiggle his way out of her grip. Surprisingly she is pretty strong to be manhandling this guy. In her other hand she has an empty box. She tosses him out of her office and pushes the box into his arms.

"You have 5 minutes to get out of this building or I'll escort you out myself." She clenches her jaw as she stares at him. The man walks away to his desk with a huff realizing everyone was staring. 

Still in my spot, I observe her, the suit she is wearing is a bit messy due to her having to use force to get the man out. She fixes herself looking out to the office. Kinda hot. 

Finally she turns to see me standing here all along. 

"What was that about?" I ask as I keep my gaze on her.

She gestures me to step into her office, not wanting to talk out in front of everyone. I follow her and close the door behind me. As we both take a seat, she lets out a breath and looks towards me. I smile feeling a bit small under her gaze and she cracks a smile seeing my reaction. 

"I had to get rid of him. He wasn't a good fit for our company" she vaguely said looking down as she fidgets with the chair. 

"What did he do?" I tilt my head wondering what he could've done to get her so angry. She seems like a reasonable person so it must've been bad.

She sighs looking up at me but drops her gaze soon again. 

"He uh.. he bragged to the whole office about how he could get you to sleep with him. So I fired him because I won't tolerate disrespect towards women like that." She said with concern written on her face. 

"Wow.." I scoff realizing wherever I go, men will always sexualize me no matter what. 

"I know I should have gone to you first about firing him but-"

"I'm not upset with you. You did the right thing... I'm thankful the responsibility is split between the both of us because me handling it all alone would drive me crazy." I said gratefully.

"I'm your second set of hands Ruby. Whatever you need, I'm here."

We locked eyes for a bit silently reading each other. Y/n feels comfortable. Like I've known her before. I can tell she has many secrets but she's a genuine person. I'm glad she's by my side in this business. 

"Oh I almost forgot. Those finance reports you asked for. I had these done when you spilled coffee on me earlier. I thought they'd be helpful." She handed me the documents. 

"Thank you. For everything really." I feel warm with her. It's an odd feeling. I've only just met her.

She waved her hand, gesturing it wasn't an issue. 


"i'll let you get back to work then." She said as she stood up walking to the door.

I nodded and watched her leave with a soft smile on her face as she glanced back at me. The sound of the door closing brought me back to reality. Why do I feel so protective of her? 

Shaking my head I walk over to the coffee machine on the side bar in my office and pour myself a cup. It's going to be a long day.

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