Chapter 5

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Ruby's POV

It is now day 2 of the new job. I came in extra early today to get a feel of the company when no one was here yet. It felt nice. I made myself some coffee as soon as I got here to fuel myself up for the day. 

Every one is here by now. Well everyone but Y/n is here. It's almost 9am. I wonder why she's running late. 

I'm walking around the office stopping by to shadow a few people today to make sure everything is running smoothly. While at a cubicle with an employee and speaking with them, I write down notes on my clipboard. I hear the elevator ding and I turn my head to see Y/n walk in with sunglasses and her hair flowing effortlessly. She's in a dark navy blue suit that blends in well with the black trench coat she always wears. And of course the scarf around her neck.

I stand up from leaning on a file cabinet in the cubicle and I stand in Y/n's way to her office.

"You're late L/n" I say as I hug my clipboard and look up towards the woman in front of me. She stops walking about a foot from me and looks down at me with a different type of confidence that she didn't have yesterday. She smirks and says, "Sorry, I was a bit occupied. May I get to my office now." 

I'm taken aback by the hint of attitude she had but crack a smile when I realize she likes to put on a front for the employees. 

She winks at me so no one else sees and I nod and move aside. I feel a slight blush rise to my cheeks. Her confidence is making me feel things.

As she walks into her office I wait a few minutes to make sure no one is watching and I slowly walk to her door. I open the door and close it quickly behind me. I turn to see her looking at me from her desk confused as she unpacks her briefcase.

"Good morning" I say as I walk to her, taking in her suit. She looks so good right now. Navy blue compliments her skin so well. 

"Good morning Ruby" she says with a chuckles as she sits in her chair. She sits, getting comfortable as I stand there speechless for some reason. What is she doing to me? This is a sign of weakness.

I take a deep breath and ask her, "I need whatever latest financial documents you have." I rush out as I stopped myself from saying what I really wanted to. She looks to me squinting her eyes for a second as she gets up to her filing cabinet to retrieve what I asked for.

She finds it then walks a few steps to me with the folder in hand. She stops a foot from me once again like she did before and holds the folder out to me. I feel myself flush as I look into her eyes. I felt stuck. Like I couldn't look away and my body was heating up. I reach for the document but right as I was going to grab it she pulls it away and takes a small step closer.

"Was that all you needed?" She asks in a whisper. Our faces so close that if I leaned in an inch more, we'd end up doing unholy things. I give a short nod as I look at her lips then back up to her. She smiles at my reaction and brings back the document, putting it in my hand. 

"Okay, if you need anything else let me know" she steps back quickly and sits back at her desk, leaving me frozen in place still registering what just happened. I gulp and turn around exiting her office with no words.

Son of a bitch. 


As Ruby left my office, I sat thinking about what I did. I don't know where this sudden energy came from but I feel drawn to her. Why not play into it? Seeing her flustered is definitely a turn on.

I walked over to my record player in my office and decided to play some music so I can get today's work done. Having a new CEO come in, especially a woman, has been making our company rise like crazy in the financial department. Which just means more work for me. Unfortunately. So I set the mood in my office with my Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra special and my favorite candle, Leather and Brandy, from white barn.

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