Chapter 75: Right Choice

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Matthias was awoken by the sound of his canary’s song. His eyes fluttered open, wincing at the bright light before it landed on the sight of his bird, merrily fluttering inside it’s elaborate cage as it sang merrily.

It seemed to be happy today, Matthias noted to himself, and continued watching it for sometime, content on laying on his stomach for the time being. It flew down, landing by its water bowl, dipping it’s beak on to the water slightly, before dipping down once more, submerging and reemerging it’s entire body this time.

It shook as it perched back on the bowl’s ledge, scattering rivlets of water. Matthias felt himself smirk, sitting up before leaning his back against the headboard. Once it was done bathing itself, the canary began to groom itself, spreading its little wings, nosing at its feathers with its beak.

He can’t help but be reminded of his woman.

Soon, the bird was done, and fluttered back up to its flush nest, when Matthias decided it was time for him to get up. He picked up the bell from his bedside table, ringing it to summon Hessen inside.

Not a moment later, his butler came in, carrying a silver tray with coffee, and the day’s mail. Matthias sat on his desk, waiting for Hessen to finish setting the coffee down. The butler then proceeded to inform him of the progress in their preparations for the crown prince’s visit with his wife, along with the list of guests they expect to host.

“I was also informed that Lady Brandt would be arriving this afternoon, master.” Hessen added, the empty tray tucked neatly at his side. Matthias took a sip of his coffee, nodding along with the new piece of information.

“I see,” he hummed.

“Also, the Marquis Lindman sent word he’d arrive no sooner than tomorrow afternoon. Since I know the master would be absent in the next few days, I took the initiative of informing both families in advance that you’d be unable to greet them personally.” Hessen helpfully supplied.

Matthias gave him an appreciative smile to be polite as he opened up the morning’s newspaper. Him, the crown prince, and even Riette were of the same age, Matthias idly thought, it wouldn’t be strange to know that they were closer compared to the other dukes and lords in the country.

Subsequently, Claudine was also one of the few ladies who grew close with the crowned princess. Which also meant she would be spending more time in Arvis during the royal couple’s visit.

“Master, shall I start preparing for your departure? If you leave around ten o’ clock, you’ll be on time to board your train.” Hessen suggested, and Matthias nodded.

“We shall,” Matthias replied, giving him another polite smile. Hessen bowed his head respectfully at his master, backing out a few steps before moving aside to let Matthias walk ahead of him.

With the crowned prince’s upcoming visit, Matthias would have to quickly settle his business affairs in the capital city, which in turn made his schedule all the more hectic before the royal couple’s arrival.

After bathing, Matthias was quickly aided by Hessen, and was suited up promptly as he continued on with his usual calm demeanor.

News of Kyle Etman’s return spread like wildfire in Arvis, reaching him in less than a day of the doctor’s son’s arrival. It wasn’t even through a formal relaying of information, but through the murmurs of his servants he discovered Kyle had returned.

He couldn’t help but scoff to himself at the thought, Kyle’s return leaving a nasty taste in him. He didn’t know, nor cared why Kyle chose to return to Arvis now. It didn’t bother him even if Kyle and Leyla had lingering feelings for one another.

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