Chapter 146: Summer Again

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Winter soon passed, then spring came and went like a breeze...

Now the time for summer has arrived once more. The war had eventually come to an end with the Northern Union coming out as victorious, however, both sides suffered enormous casualties during the war. Whatever advantage both sides had gained from the war was nothing compared to the losses they had suffered in the end. The citizens could only comfort themselves by thinking that their friends and loved ones died fighting for what they believed was right.

A single golden tower was erected as the symbol of victory that would mark the end of such a historic war.

"What is the use of such honor in the face of sorrow?" A noble lady lamented as the procession of returning soldiers ensued. Many family members had come to greet their long separated relatives, finally reuniting with them once again. Still, messages of condolences and fond stories were exchanged here and there for the families who had forever lost their loved ones. Amidst the many questions that were asked at the moment, the most prominent was...

"Who would succeed the Herhardt Family?"

Any recent mention of the late Duke would often lead to the issue of his succession. The topic was both considered taboo and intriguing for everyone who had visited the Herhardt Matriarchs to give their condolences. Without a successor left behind after the Duke's passing, his loyal followers had taken to vaguely answering any questions regarding succession, not willing to reveal any future plans. As much as they had wanted to proceed with choosing a fitting successor, the current figurehead of the family, Elysee von Herhardt, refused to choose until her son's body was returned and buried in their home estate.

Until then, the seat of the Duke would remain vacant for the foreseeable future.

"They shouldn't delay deciding for the successor of the Duke for far too long. If he had only married Lady Brandt the year before last then this tragedy wouldn't have happened."

"Marriage doesn't guarantee that Lady Claudine will have a son though. Alas, they are still a very prestigious family in the end."

"I guess that's true." Everyone either agreed or disagreed with various stories regarding the issue.

"Although I guess it's also a relief for the Brandts, if their lady had gotten married in a hurry before the Duke participated in the war, he would have made their daughter a widow."

"How's Claudine doing?"

"I heard she's going to have a new engagement soon"."

"Oh, already?"

"There's no reason for her to delay when the engagement with Herhardt Family has been nullified anyway. Count Brandt must have been very diligent to be able to find a pretty good marriage so quickly."

"No matter how good the marriage candidate is, he couldn't be better than the Herhardt Family's heir. I felt so sorry for Claudine and Count Brandt when I heard the news about the annulled engagement."

Multiple individuals exchanged their opinions with a feeling of compassion and relief. Suddenly, enthusiastic cheers began to resonate from the other side of the street.

Before long, their lost husbands, sons, and lovers were finally able to march their way back home.


The park currently felt desolate and empty since the people of the whole city had gone to greet the returning army. Thanks to this, Leyla was able to enjoy a leisurely walk more than usual. The sound of light footsteps walking slowly with the sound of the wheel rolling of the stroller, and the sound of the wind shaking fresh leaves harmonized like music in her ears. As she left the street lined with trees, she raised the shade of the stroller that casted a shadow over her sleeping child. The child, who was born smaller than normal, now grew up well and healthy, and the days where she was filled with worry had long passed. He was such a blessed child because he didn't catch any illness even once and had a gentle personality.

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