Side Story 10

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Matthias stumbled upon a discovery, as he caught sight of a small figure darting behind a wall. The orphan, raised by the gardener, had been found like a lost pet. With fluttering skirts and a mop of blond hair, there was no mistaking the child. It was by all means her!

But instead of feeling elated at the find, Matthias could only think of one thing: the child’s tendency to run away and cry.

It was a frustrating characteristic, but one that could not be taken as a whole but be tolerated in small doses. As the child looked up at him with wide emerald green eyes, Matthias couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance mixed with pity.

With the scorching sun beating down on them, Claudine suggested it was time to head back. “It’s too hot for an evening walk,” she said, her voice laced with exhaustion. Despite the wide-brimmed hat and parasol, Claudine’s face was flushed with heat. Even Matthias, who was never bothered by the effects of the sun, was feeling the same.

But he was willing to indulge Claudine’s whims, who had requested the walk. He couldn’t deny the excitement of possibly finding the elusive child, who was known for hiding in the shadiest spots. However, the thought of trudging through the sweltering heat wasn’t worth the potential reward.

As they made their way back to the mansion, Matthias caught a glimpse of the child, running away as usual, bundled up in winter clothes despite the scorching weather.

Was it because of their first encounter?

He remembered the day the little girl had appeared in the forest of Arvis, like an interesting prey. But just like a bird that quickly flew out of sight, Matthias’ interest in her had remained at that level.

She was just another wild bird in his forest, nothing more. With that thought, Matthias turned his attention away from the child and followed Claudine into the cool embrace of the mansion. The pleasant air enveloped them, and the heat quickly faded, beaten by the luxurious mansion.


Bill Remmer was taken aback when he learned the news from the talkative Chef Mona. He couldn’t find the words to express his shock, simply muttering “Oh, this is so” repeatedly while scratching the back of his neck. The thought of raising a daughter on his own, as a widower, was a daunting task unlike any he had faced before.

“Oh, so that child is already…….”

Chef Mona, observing him with a hint of amusement, chided him. “What do you mean already? Its way later than my daughter,” she said with a click of her tongue. “I understand it’s not easy for a wooden stone like you to raise a daughter that suddenly appeared.”

But Bill was quick to correct her, “What daughter? I just wanted to…”

“Don’t say such nonsense,” Chef Mona interrupted him firmly, pointing towards the Duke’s Rose Garden. “Pick up the roses over there.”

Bill’s face contorted with confusion.”What are you planning to do with those ro…?”

But before he could finish his sentence, Chef Mona interrupted, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Oh, my dear Bill! You truly are a flower-growing expert, but you seem to be lacking in the art of gift-giving.”

“Gift?” Bill repeated, his brow furrowed in embarrassment. He had never thought of giving flowers as a gift before.

Chef Mona continued, “When a young girl reaches a milestone in her life, it’s tradition for her to receive a bouquet of flowers. And Leyla, your daughter, is about to reach one of those milestones.”

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