Chapter 142: Promise

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They did not have much time to just stand and take in the sight of each other. In no time, Matthias began to hold on to Leyla as soon as she began to fall.

Without waiting for her expected protests, he carried her limp form in his arms and ran towards the house's cellar. He had just about enough time to open the basement door and jump down the ladder before the ground above them shook and dust began falling from the ceiling!

The bomb was much closer than before.

Not bothering to find the light in the dark cellar, he immediately put Leyla down, who backed up from the door and leaned her back against the cellar's wall.

She was dazed, breathing heavily as her body shook with the continued rain from outside.

Immediately he gathered her securely in his arms and drew her away from the shelves where many stored foods were placed in case they fell on her. He caressed the back of her head soothingly, making her rest against the crook in his neck.

"It's all right." He murmured soothingly against her temples, breaking the monotone sounds of muffled bombs over their heads. After a while, he felt her begin to pull away, just enough to look up at him.

He cupped her cheeks, and caressed her wet, and flushed skin with the pads of his calloused thumb.

"You'll be fine soon." He whispered, resolute and softer.

Even in the dark, she could feel his intense gaze on her, she could see just how deep his eyes reflected his soul, like an ocean inviting her into its depths.

A depth that often made her scared, hate...

And the less acknowledged excitement at the sight of it, especially as he embraced her securely.

Matthias was certain there could be a lamp somewhere to shed some light, but he couldn't afford to find it. And so, in the thick darkness surrounding them, they endured the long night, relying on each other's body temperature to keep warm, and their synched breathing for comfort.

The longer they stayed down in the basement, the more Leyla's eyes gradually got used to the darkness.

Without thinking about it, Leyla reached out for a change and cupped Matthias' face. She still couldn't see clearly, yet she could finally make out some of his features. He looked positively unprepared and haggard in front of her.

With her other hand resting against his chest, she could feel his abnormal warmth and sweat rolling down his body, his breathing ragged, and the heartbeat beneath her palms erratic and strong.

He came.

He came running just for her.

There was a sense of glee upon the realization he braved through fields of dropping bombs, just for her. It made her feel safer.

Made her breathe a lot easier than earlier when no one came for her.

The relief, sadness, and indescribable emotions began pouring out of her into silent, crocodile tears.

It was ridiculous how easily she could tell Matthias apart even amidst her blurring visions. Ridiculous how she waited unknowingly in the middle of an air strike for him to come to rescue her and cradle her in his arms.

She had told herself time and again that he would never take her back. And like a fool, she waited for him to come and get her anyway.

She gripped Matthias' arm tightly, a wordless plea to keep him connected to her when she felt him begin to pull away from her.

"Hold on, Leyla." Matthias grunted after a momentary pause, "It's dangerous right now." He told her seriously before looking off at a distance, through the only small window in the cellar to catch sight of explosions and rubble in the grounds above.

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