Side Story 2

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The Herhardt family's users, under the direction of their butler Hessen, created a line in front of their opulent car as soon as the train from the capital arrived at Carlsbar station. People watching cast puzzled looks as the train doors opened and the young Herhardt family patriarch, the Duchess, and their kid stepped out.

"Good morning, my lord." Hessen, as always, greeted his master with the utmost deference and courtesy, as did the other employees, who all lowered their heads, out of custom. Leyla unconsciously grabbed Matthias' arm tightly as a result of her unease with the attention she wasn't used to. People crowded the platform in front of the opulent vehicle like honey bees around their queen, all hoping to get a peek of the action.

Matthias didn't say anything as he received the gracious welcome, standing next to Leyla, who was breathing deeply to calm herself. He gave off the immaculate, controlled aristocrat impression that Carlsbar locals had come to anticipate by appearing at ease and unconcerned by the presence of observers.

As the onlookers gawked in astonishment, Matthias confidently walked forward. His nonchalant attitude towards the crowd made his act of escorting his wife even more striking and attractive.

The onlookers naturally stepped back to clear a path for them to pass by. They could not see any signs of scandal or flawed relationships in the couple's demeanor. The Duchess, Leyla von Herhardt, was elegantly dressed in a blue flowing summer dress and appeared as a young woman of her age, just like the lovely child of Arvis, Leyla Remmer, who was raised by the family's gardener.

Curious looks from the throng were aimed towards the tiny Duke in the nanny's arms as she trailed the Duchess. The young child's blue eyes flashed all about, beaming with delight, stealing the attention of crowd. This occasion appeared to put an end to any rumors that the Duke had damaged the family's reputation by having a child with a low-class woman and raising questions about the child's paternity.

Felix von Herhardt waved enthusiastically to the audience, making them grin as he stepped off the platform. 'Carlsbar has officially entered summer', someone in the throng whispered.

Several voices responded in unison like a chorus, "Yes, it has."

The Herhardt family, the renowned citizens of the northern city, would return during this summer, like a magnificent work of art being unveiled.


"Do you remember the gift you promised me?" Leyla who had been absorbed in looking out the car window, turned her head and suddenly asked. Matthias answered with a small tilt of his head, there was no need for them to exchange further glances as he had been keeping a steady gaze on his wife the entire time like a sun flower directed to the sun.

"We will be having a picnic over the weekend, the three of us together," She reminded him of the promised plan.

Leyla's gaze grew more intense as Matthias continued to be silent. Matthias seemed to dwelling in her emerald eyes at that moment, which seemed a little darker and deeper than normal.

Leyla announced, her enthusiasm and pleasure for her excellent marks audible in her voice, "There's present I'd want to get." She smiled broadly and said, "I want to go on a picnic, the three of us, to the Arvis Forest."

"I'll take you to see the flower fields this time," Leyla said, emphasizing the word 'this time' to convey a deeper meaning. "Arvis has many beautiful flowers in the summer too," she added with a smile, and Matthias nodded in agreement.

'Leyla, do you know what your words mean to me? They assure me that those happy days were not just a dream or a deception.'

Leyla's expression grew serious, "Don't pretend like you don't know," she said, studying his face closely. "Don't tease me," she added with a hint of disbelief.

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