Prologue Part 1: His Will To Liv

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*2018: After A raw taping.*

I'm chilling in the locker room after getting changed. Well trying to chill while Alex just will not shut the fuck up. Finally I hear my phone go off and it's a text from my favorite person on the planet, Liv.

Baby Momma💙👅: Hey Jack Jack?

Me: Wassup Livvy?

Baby Momma💙👅: Do you and alex wanna come out with the squad, me, enzo, cass, and mella?

Me: Let me ask dumbass real quick.

I look up at Alex.

Me: Hey bro?

Alex: Yeah bro?

Me: I'm gonna go out with Liv. Her, the squad, and enzo and cass are gonna go to a club. Do you wanna come with us?

Alex: I don't really...

I cut him off.

Me: Carmellas gonna be there bub.

Alex: You son of a bitch, I'm in.

I text liv back.

Me: We're in livvy.

Baby Momma💙👅: Yay thank you bestie I promise I'll make it worth it. I love you so much!

Me: I love you too bestie.

Alex and myself meet up with the rest of the crew. Alex and I rode with Rue Rue, Mella, and liv. I rode in the back with Gi and Alex. I rode in the middle. I notice fuckin Alex pretty much staring a hole through Carmella. I just decided screw it before laying my head on Liv's shoulder. I stayed that way the whole ride.

*At The Club.*

We sitting in a booth. After a few minutes, Crackhead Einstein I mean enzo and steroid chipmunk I mean cass join us.

Enzo: Yo J! What's up bro!

I can't stand this dumbass.

Me: Eric.

As the night goes on, those 2 morons get drunk and start acting fucking stupid. Liv and Mella are with them for a while before coming back to sit with us looking very upset. Gi hugs into me before I ask.

Me: What's wrong beautiful?

Liv: Eric's being an ass.

Me: Let me out.

Liv: No bestie stay with me...pwease.

She does puppy dog eyes and how the fuck do you say no to that.

Me: Fine.

I can't really hear what Alex and Carmella are talking about so I just stay to me and Gi.

A little later, I see Gi start to cry so i of course ask about it.

Me: GiGi?

Liv: Yeah Jack Jack?

Me: What's wrong?

Liv points over to Dumb and dumber dancing with 2 ugly girls. I pipe back up.

Me: How do you wanna handle that?

Liv: like this~

She stands up and pulls me closer before sitting back down, on my lap. I wrap my arm around her waist. Mella does the same with Alex before liv kisses my cheek and Leah kisses Alex's. After a little while, I guess Enzo and dumbass finally noticed and came over to us. They start disrespecting the girls, well cass is trying to while the walking chia pet really gets on liv.

His Wild ChildTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang