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It's been weird being home instead of being on the road. Gi and I have been home because we've been trying to come up with a new gimmick. I'm really wanting to do a Harley Quin Jocker type of deal and kinda build off this whole masochist gimmick Gio has been doing but I just don't know how to go about bringing it up to her.

I woke up cuddling Gi and when I do, Gi is looking back at me with a huge smile on her face before we kiss.

Me: Goodmorning Harley.

Liv: Goodmorning Puddin.

Me: Baby that is probably the best way to wake up. I mean most people think waking up in a beachfront bedroom is the best way to wake up and that is the most beautiful sight and that's ok, that's there opinion. The thing is they've never had those beautiful blue eyes and that gorgeous smile looking back at them first thing in the morning.

Liv: Ok slide your shorts and underwear down.

Me: What do you mean?

Liv: You either want me to ride you or you want me to use you as my jolly rancher.

Me: I mean yeah but that's not why I was saying all that.

Liv: Then what did you do?

Me: Other then cuttin that promo on Ronda, nothing.

Liv: Then why did you say all those things?

Me: Because it's true and I love you.

Liv: I'm sorry for assuming baby but with my experiences my instincts just took over and I started to overthink. I know we've been on and off for about 4 years or so but other then that it's been men being sweet to me when they have done something or want something.

Me: Well I do want something but it's not sex and it's can't be bought.

Liv: Well if it's not sex and I can't buy it then what is it?

I smiled at her.

Me: You to be happy. I wanna cuddle you and taste that incredibly sweet kiss on my lips. I wanna watch movies and cuddle on the couch under a blanket. I wanna cook together just spend time with you.

Gi starts having tears stream down her face.

Me: What'd I do baby? Why the tears pretty momma?

Liv: I just love you so much! You have this personality of "I don't give a fuck" and you give off that vibe even with Ally. It's different when you're with me though. With me you're a big Teddy Bear and a big mush. I've seen you get so mad so easily but with me, I could ve as annoying as humanly possible and it wouldn't get to you at all. It's seems like I'm the only one you'll listen too. Can I ask about something?

Me: Of course baby girl.

Liv: So we both know you get into moods where people can't even acknowledge your existence except me. I can look at you, touch you, or do whatever I want to you. I can sit next to you, grab your face, look you dead in the eye and say "Eat my pussy, NOW!" as mean I could and you would. You would either say "Yes Princess" or "Yes Harley" and you would do it. My question is why is it like that? Like why am I the only safe one?

I smiled before leaning in and kissing her.

Me: I don't know baby maybe it's just because you're just THAT GIRL haha.

Gio smacked my chest.

Liv: Haha baby I'm serious.

Me: I think you're just my girl. You're just my person and my GiGi. I just know I can trust you. I've always gotten that vibe from you.

Liv: Awe baby. I was your Girl from the beginning. I'm so glad you feel like you can trust me because

We got up and got dressed before hanging out in my living room. I think Gio knew I had something on my mind but she didn't want to ask about it. Later on after dinner, I assume she just got tired of it. She straddled my lap before grabbing my face and pulling me into a very loving and passionate kiss.

Me: What was that for baby?

Liv: Because I love you. Well I love you and you're hiding something from me and I don't like it so I was hoping that would loosen your tongue.

I smiled at her and looked into her blue eyes and that was it, I folded like a piece of paper.

Me: Fuck baby I'm a huge pushover when it comes to you. I've been thinking about what we're gonna do when we get back on TV.

Liv: Have you got any ideas babe?

Me: Actually I do. I was thinkin that everybody knows we're close anyway and they were goin to put us together on screen anyway so maybe we could maybe do a wholesome love angle?

Gionna kinda giggled.

Liv: Orrr...we could do something not so...wholesome.

Me: What do you mean baby?

Liv: We could do something where we're together but we kinda do something maybe Edge and Lita like. We make out with eachother, you slap my ass, you grab my hair, just stuff like that. Think about it baby I'll even have new gear made. I'll still wear the short trunks...

She gets up and walks in front of the TV before turning around with her back to me before continuing.

Liv: ...I might even have it say "All JJ's" on the back of them~

Me: Really?

Gionna turned back around before walking up to me and grabbing my hand. She pulled me to my feet. Once I was on my feet, she kept hold of my hand and put it on her ass.

Liv: I mean why not it's ALL YOURS anyways~

Me: God baby you're gonna make me crazy~

Liv kinda laughed before looking at me with a questioning look.

Liv: "Make" you?

I let out a little chuckle at her.

Me: You know what I mean baby.

Liv: No I don't. Why don't we go back to your room and you can show me how "crazy" you can be~

Me: Lead the way baby~

She took off running and I chased her into my room. We shut the door and Gio found out that I am completely fucking nuts. Im suprised it took her until NOW to figure that out.

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