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lee: Minho

ler: Channie


It was one of those days that seemed pretty normal to Soonie. I mean, what's more comfortable to a cat then to just...cuddle with your owner in a pile of blankets on a rainy day? Nothing, I tell you. 

However, the said owner was currently being bothered by his one and only older member...and Soonie soon enough decided that finding sleep elsewhere more quiet was most probably appropriate. 

He walked out of the room in all fours, making his way over to another empty room.

"LEE KNOWWWWW" Chan yelled.

"wake up im bored"

"...are you actually asleep?"

Chris decided that Minho might ACTUALLY be asleep, however he was the only one at home and he was bored.

 So he decided that waking Lino up to do something may be the only bet he had to dispose of the boredom.

Then he had an idea. Involving Lee Know's exposed feet under the blanket.

"Minhoooo" Chan teased while wiggling his fingers ever so slightly along Lino's socked left sole. The foot wriggled as Minho tried to stifle a giggle and yanked his foot away.

"Channie hyungggg leave me aloneeee" Minho whined.

"Nope. I'm bored so wake up"

"But I wanna sleeep"

"Fine. Then I guess I'll just sleep with you"

Chan then lifted the blanket and snuggled in with Lee Know. But Minho was already awake and plotting his revenge because Chris woke him up. 

He poked Chan's ribcage, relishing in the loud screech from the older.

'Okahay, that's it' Chan giggled out as his hands darted down to scribble Lino's sides. 

However, it wasn't earning him as big of a reaction as he WOULD have liked due to the thick, warm hoodie that Minho was wearing that day. 

Chris frowned and thought for a few seconds as Minho tried his hardest to squirm out of the straddled grip he was under.

"Channie...hyung let me out. What are you even DOING?"

Chris then suddenly lifted the bottom of Minho's hoodie and shoved his head into it, resulting in a shriek of surprise from the younger, followed by loud hysterics when Chan's fingers found their way into the exposed crevices of his ribs under the hoodie.


Chris then mumbled something into Minho's bare stomach, only causing chaotic cackles to pour out of the younger, who was squirming and doing ANYTHING to get Chris out of his hoodie.



Chan pressed his lips against Minho's belly button, blowing air out in a ticklish raspberry. 

Tears were starting to well up in Minho's eyes and his fists pounded against Chan's back, however these efforts did nothing to stop the older.

Minho gasped loudly when he felt teeth along his bare side. No. No. He can't be doing this. Minho was going to DIE.


"Cause you're cute, thats why" Chan mumbled, only tickling the younger more.

The cruel kisses, nibbles, and raspberries only continued.

Tears flowed down Minho's face and neck as he begged and begged Chan to stop. He was so completely helpless. And he loved it.

Soon enough, however Chan did emerge from the depths of Lee Know's oversized hoodie to be met with the CUTEST ball of joy in front of him; a blushing, panting, Minho with disheveled hair and the cutest heart eyes in EXISTENCE. Chris could have just kissed his whole face in that moment.

"Hahaaa whahat was that for..."

"Awww you're blushing...i bet you LOVED that"

"WHAT?! I am so getting you back"


i needed to do this


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