Sleep Schedule:

692 0 0


𝒍𝒆𝒆: Chan

𝒍𝒆𝒓: SKZ

tw: swearing


"What are you doing awake?!" Changbin almost screamed.

Chan glanced up from his glass of green tea, adjusted his nightclothes, and then took a deep breath.

"Producing." He answered in one word.

"Are you actually fucking serious." Minho swore, rubbing his eyes as he entered the kitchen, all the kids following like lost penguins.

"Hyunggg go to sleep for once!" Jisung whined, wrapping his arms around the older's waist.

"Nope! Imma make some more tea." Chan moved towards the matcha packets, struggling due to the quokka wrapped around his waist.

" are you not exhausted?!" Hyunjin exclaimed, worming a singular finger into Chan's side and grinning when the older flinched and bit back a smile.

"We literally practiced for like 16 hours straight today, you need your rest too, mate." Felix added on sleepily, blinking with heaviness.

"Yah, you all should go to bed." Chan replied, smiling in satisfaction as he added some milk to his matcha tea.

"No!" Jeongin yelled, lifting the edge of Channie's shirt and biting his side playfully.

Chris yelped loudly, stumbling into Felix, who grinned before sticking his hands up his shirt and into his armpits.

Changbin joined in wrecking one side, ribs and stomach, while Seungmin handled the other, Minho squeezed at the older's abs and belly, Hyunjin aimed for his back, and Jisung pressed hard into Chan's waist.

"n-nOOOO! STAHAHAHAP!" Chan squealed, squeaking through his laughter as his knees buckled.

Changbin caught and lowered the oldest to the ground, allowing everyone to continue their tickly torture.

"IHIHITS BAHAHAD! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE!" Chan laughed as Jisung knuckled his hip, sticking his tongue out as he did so.

"YAH! SEO CHANGBIN I WILL KILL YOUHUHUHU!" Chan continued to scream with laughter as Changbin dug into his underarms with one hand, using the other to pin his wrists.

This left Chris absolutely helpless, and he let out a desperate scream before descending into more maniacal laughter.

"Do you promise to go to sleep?" Minho asked, digging harshly into the kangaroo's thighs as Chan let out a ticklish scream.

"NAHAHAHAHA!" Chan twisted and bucked in any way possible to escape the torture. He was barely holding on and his face and ears were red.

That's when everyone joined in. Poking, squeezing, and nibbling at his worst spots just to drive him insane.

"NOHOHOHOHO! OKAHAHAY OKAAAAYY! I GIHIHIVE! PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAP IHIHILL SLEEEHEHEHEEP IHI PROHOHOMISE!" Chris sobbed through his desperate laughter, bucking up once before dissolving into silent laughter.

The quick and ruthless fingers that were tickling him to pieces turned into soft rubbing at the areas, which left Chan gasping for air and letting out the last few giggles and tears.

"I'm tired now..."

"You can sleep. We're right here for you."


a lil short but it'll get longer i promise <333


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