Gifts - Part 1:

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𝒍𝒆𝒆: Channie

𝒍𝒆𝒓: Felix


Felix hates secrets. 

He absolutely despises when he suspects one of his members is hiding something from him.

 Lixie is a type of person who's carefree and he hates it when a secret burdens one of his friends. 

So when September 14th came up, and the members were busy preparing for Han's birthday, including Felix himself, he happened to forget about his OWN birthday the very next day. 

However, all the others would never forget. So they teamed up to make Lixie a very cute birthday present...

Felix joined the live, smiling as STAYs began entering the call, cute comments making his eyes sparkle. 

He continued with his live, mentioning everything that happened that day, laughing at Changbin's strange behaviors, giggling at Minho's cats, snuggling with Kkami. 

He did notice, however, that STAYs were also mentioning the others' odd actions, stating that they were probably avoiding Lixie because it was his birthday tomorrow. 

Right. That's what he had been forgetting.

Felix had started to notice the other's strange behavior while cleaning up from Hannie's birthday celebration earlier, though he didn't comment at the time. 

They would avoid eye contact and stutter every time he looked at them. The biggest exhibition of these...actions was....Chan.

Lixie snapped out of his trance peering at the comments. 

A few caught his eye and they twinkled with glee.

sunny-117: Chan's probably hiding your gift from you or something and that's why he's acting so weird 🙄 Love you Lixie! 💗

heythisismyblogg: Go on Felix! Go tickle it out of him or something!

jeonginsdairy: OMG THAT'S SO CAYOOOT! HE'S PROBABLY NERVOUS! Go cheer him on Lixie!

Felix quickly excused himself from the live, the comments still making him giggle with joy. 

Oh WHY hadn't he thought of that before?! Leave it to the STAYs to be real smart. 

Felix felt joy well up in his heart that his members had not forgotten about his birthday, even going as far as to buy him a GIFT.

 Ohhhh Lix wanted to know what they had gotten him SO BAD.

 He decided he would try to make Chan tell him and if not, he guessed he would have to wait till tomorrow.

Felix set his eyes on his target heading to his room, probably going to spend more time on that dreaded laptop of his. 

Lixie waited for some time, opening presents with Han until he excused himself to Channie's room to find out what's going on. 

Felix knocked on the door, hearing a faint, "Come in!" before making his way to Channie's couch. 

He settled himself there, noticing Chan's eyes widening as he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Um...hey. Do you need something?" "Actually, yes, I do need something." Felix responded, a cold look on his face as he stood up and walked over to Channie. 

The said boy gulped and tried to look anywhere but Lixie's face. "Well i have some work to do, so please ask quickl-"

"Did you get me something for my birthday?" Lix interrupted, excitement in his eyes. 

Chan paused and pursed his lips, trying to suppress a smile at the kitten-like look adorning his face, eyes widened and sparkling. 

Channie made a sign of sealing his lips and tried to go back to work.

Felix was not having that. He made a move and grabbed Chan's torso, right underneath his underarms, and squeezed like crazy.

"What ARE you do-AHHAHAHA-" Chan's laughter turned into bucking and squealing as he twisted in his chair, trying to keep steady as his Aussie bro attacked him.

"Plehehease whahat doho yohou want from meheheee" Chan giggled out as Lixie softened the tickling. 

"Well I want to know if you got me something, as you were so keen not to answer that question earlier" Felix said while smirking.

Chris sealed his lips just as Felix started scratching at the bottom of his stomach, earning him muffled giggles as Chan's lips were still sealed. 

Yongbok groaned at the lack of laughter from the victim, instead grabbing both of Chan's hands with one of his own and diving into his armpit with the other.

"Mhhhmmm AHHHHHH!" Channie squealed as the tickly fingers danced across his underarms and ribs, finally falling off the chair just to get thrown on the bed by Lixie.

 Felix groaned as he searched Chan's body, straddling him.

"Where even is your worst spot..." Felix mumbled, earning shrieks from Chan as his fingers started wiggling on his tummy, honey-like giggles pouring from the lee as he tried to suppress his giggles.

Soon enough, Felix got bored of his upper body and sat facing Chan's legs on his waist, leaving Chan free behind him and begging. "NOho PLEASE ANYWHERE BUT THERE YOU AHAHAHASSS!" Chris yelled as Felix swirled his fingers on his inner thighs, the shorts Chan was wearing quite an advantage to the evil ler. 

Felix darted between squeezing his thighs and the tops of his knees, leaving Chris bucking and screaming.


When Felix remembered his goal, he targeted one last spot. Chan was begging behind him. "PLEASE NO ANYWHERE but THERE I CANT HANDLE IT YAAAAAAAAAH!"He screamed as Felix caressed the left arch of his foot.

 "I'm going to ask one more time. Did you get me something?" Felix asked. When Channie didn't respond, Lixie pulled all of Chan's toes back and scratched under them.

 Chan let out a raw scream, laughter quickly silencing as he pounded his fists into the plush mattress underneath him, tears pouring down his neck.

"AHAHAHAHAA LIXAHHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" Was the only thing Chan could get out. Felix stopped soon, not wanting to kill the elder. 

This allowed Chris to whine out an answer. "YAhehehs wehe dihid gehet you sohomethinggg." 

"Thanks" was all Lix had to say, walking out of the room and mentally thanking STAYs for the great idea. Now he needed to interrogate the next member...


next part coming up!

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