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{POV: Ashley}

"....and if I don't have the money by tomorrow you'll have yourself to blame when her guts cover the walls." A deep voice cuts into my sleep.

I blink open my eyes and look around my cozy room. It's pink walls looked grey in the dark as my eyes adjusted.

The deep voice went on and I got curious.

I quickly crawled out of bed and touched my tiny feet onto the plush carpet.

I reached over the bed and snatched Mr. Bear from my pillow before quietly walking out into the hallway.

I rubbed sleep from my eyes as I near the banister that had clear view of the living room below.


I was confused as I glanced at the scene below. He was wearing a black thing on his face so that you couldn't see it.

He was pointing a black object at a strangers head as she sat it a chair with her arms tied to the chair. She had a black cloth on her eyes and another one tied in her mouth.

I clutched Mr. Bear. Dad looked angry.

That was never good.

His computer was turned facing him and I could see that there was a face on the screen.

The features of the face were contorted for I was far away, but it looked like the man was crying.

Why was he crying? I thought as I kneeled down beside the banister laying my head on the pegs to get a better look.

Daddy pushed the object into the stranger's head threateningly and I heard a muffled yelp from the stranger.

"Wait! Please! Don't hurt her! I don't have the money!" The voice was staticky as it came out of the computer.

"Sorry, no money no deal." Daddy growled.

I heard a click as he pulled a switch back with his thumb. Another muffled sound.

"No! Please! Ill get the money! I will give to you tomorrow!" The man yelled his voice cracking as he pleaded.

I heard another click as Dad pushed the switch back.

"Now that is what I like to hear." He growled through his mask.

"I expect to see you at 10:00 a.m. sharp tomorrow at the usual place." He continued as he walked up to the laptop.

He slammed it shut and glanced up at the stairs where I was sitting.

I squeaked and my heart started to flutter nervously as I ducked.

He shook his head and directed his attention to the the stranger in the chair.

He untied her from the chair and just bound her wrists as he led her to the basement.

I was never aloud in the basement.

Dad said it was forbidden.

I climbed the rest of the steps and flew back to my room. My tiny stocking feet made almost no noise.

I jumped onto my bed and cuddled close to Mr. Bear and my fuzzy blanket as my heart pounded.

Daddy was a good man. He would never hurt anyone. Right?

I let my eyes droop and soon the darkness engulfed me.

(13 years later)

I tucked my bright red hair hastily behind my mask as it had started to slip out of my bun. Dad made the charge to the guy on the Skype cam.

"1 hundred thousand should just about cover it." He growled approvingly.

"What?!" The crackled voice came from the computer. "Common I don't have that kind of money." He protested.

I almost laughed out loud. It was amusing to me how they thought that they actually had a chance bargaining for a cheaper price with my dad.

Dad looked aggravated. "1 hundred thousand or she dies." He said shoving the gun deeper into the girls head. She tried to flinch away and pulled on the restraints.

Now, I know what your thinking. We are pretty evil to kidnap people and demand money in return right? Wrong, I think of it as a very well paying job.

I've been doing it ever since I could hold a gun. (About 12) Yes, I have killed people before, but that is a small price to pay for being rich.

I come after my father. My mother died when I was 2 and I sincerely don't miss her at all. We would be living on the streets if it were up to her.

It is definitely not a coincidence that she mysteriously died when she found out my dad was not making the majority if his money from being a doctor.

Also, I'm not miserable. Not in the least. I have grown used to it over the past 4 years. My father has trained me well.

He, unfortunately, was growing older and was near retiring. That's where I come in.

Ill take over when he's retired and living off of his hundreds of thousands of retirement funds while I continue making more money.

I always thought my dad wanted a boy instead a daughter like me, but I've noticed lately he doesn't seem to mind.

I am proud to be the kidnappers daughter.

But there is one test I'm required to pass before I can take over.

Kidnap One Direction.

The Kidnapper's Daughter (One Direction fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora