Chapter 10

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POV: Ashley

Everything ached and felt bruised.

I looked back at where Liam had been seen jogging away from us down the road.

I took in a shaky breath and looked up at the curly lock of hair above me.

I felt the sudden urge to cry, but I bit my lip in frustration. Still though, some tears leaked out.

The boy noticed of course and he looked down at me concern apparent on his face.

"What's-" he began, but I interrupted him.

"Nothing, but I have to ask you. Why do you care so much about what happens to me?" I asked my heart felt like a stone in my chest.

"Um well if we're going to survive you're the one who would know how to do that." He pointed out quietly.

I nodded in agreement, "And that's all?" Disappointment clouded me.

"Well... You can also be nice... Sometimes... And I don't think you were ever gonna hurt us-"

"You don't know that." I pointed out in defense.

"Would you hush up I am trying to speak my feelings." He glared down at me.

I stuck out my lip in a joking pout.

"Anywaysss, I knew that you weren't because your not the kind of kidnapper that Zack and your father are..." He trailed off and I looked up at him in surprise.

"How did you-"

"I'm famous, you think I haven't been warned about a kidnapper that kidnaps famous people and is training a daughter to do the same?" He laughed despite the situation.

"Yes I did think that actually.." I stated.

"Well I was told and I knew it was you from the moment I saw you backstage." He pointed out smiling at me.

"What? Why didn't you say anything? Or do anythin for that matter? And how did you know?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Because I thought you were hot.. And I knew it was you because when I found out about your father, I googled his daughter. There are a good number of pictures on google images.." He trailed off embarrassed now.

"So you stalked me?" I giggled, the nerve of this dude.

"Did you just giggle??" He laughed with me making his body shake.

"I figured as long as I'm gonna die anyways, may as well laugh for the first time." I pointed out as I sighed.

I suddenly felt myself starting to go unconscious. I had lost too much blood, there was no saving that.

I lifted my not broken arm up and touched Harry's face.

He was beautiful in a way.

But then again they all were.

This lack of blood and oxygen is gettin to me alright...

He looked at me weirdly as I kept my hand there on his cheek, but suddenly I didn't have the strength to keep it there anymore and it dropped limply.

I felt my life ebbing away and my eyes started to flutter shut.

"Ashley! Stay awake!" My eyes snapped open to see Harry with panic in his eyes.

"I'm so tired though.." I muttered, sounding loopy.

Suddenly Niall was above us and he kneeled down next to me and inspected the wound on my stomach.

The Kidnapper's Daughter (One Direction fiction)Where stories live. Discover now