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My eyes snap open.

Sweat drips down my forehead.

It was dark. Then I figured out that there a was a cloth sack over my head. Now I know what MY victims feel like. It's not fun btw.

I could tell we were in a moving vehicle though from the persistent swaying and occasional bumps.

Good news is, I've been trained pretty well so I am able to slip the bag off easily even when my hands are bound.

Bright light blinds me, even though the van doesn't have windows in the back, the windows in the front let in plenty of light.

I was lying on the floor of the van and by the looks of it the boys were too. They all had stuff over their eyes as well, but they were stirring.

One of them must have heard me sit up, "Hello? Are you alright?" He whimpered, he sounded more sounded more scared than I felt.

"Yes of course." I hissed as quietly as I could. "But hush, he'll hear you and knock us out again." I warn the boy.

"I don't think that'll be a problem, he has his radio on pretty loud." Said a different boy.

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer.

I needed to concentrate.

I didn't have a plan of escape.

I didn't know what to do and that was a first in like, ever.

I could feel my heart pound faster and faster as I started to panic.

I quickly took a deep breath to calm myself and closed my eyes.

So many successful kidnappings and I cannot even manage to break out of one.

I could try and seduce him, but he would know I was faking.

I could use my restraints and choke him from behind the seat.

I could-

Wait that's it!

It's worth a shot, and I've nothing else to loose.

My eyes snapped open and narrowed in concentration.

If I blocked off his air supply long enough he'll render unconscious most likely, if I'm lucky. The only downside to this is that he is driving, and we will crash. Oh well, I think there is a quote from some athletic person that says: you can't be successful without breaking a few bones. Or something like that...

I looked around at my surroundings.

We were in the trunk basically and there were two front seats, the drivers and passenger. Obviously Zack was in the drivers. One of the boys was leaning on the back of it though.

I grabbed their ankles and heaved them across the floor, they let out a squeak of surprise and tried to struggle.

"Would you stop, stupid?! I'm just moving you out of the way." I hissed angrily and he was silent.

Once he was out of the way I sat up on my knees so I could swing my rope restraints up to the top of the seat.

I was surprised that the idiot didn't see me in the rear view mirror for I was in plain sight.

Quick as a flash I dropped my hands to his neck level and yanked back so that the rope pulled against his throat, stopping the air flow.

Zack gagged and gasped for air, he let go of the wheel and we swerved sideways so fast it catapulted us into a sideways roll. He reached behind his seat to try and grasp my hair but I ducked down to the floor while still pulling the rope. Finally, he stopped struggling and went limp. During all this I am getting bashed against the ceiling of the car as it flips over and over.

Thank The Lord that there were no other cars behind us.

We crashed into what felt like a huge ditch because all of a sudden
the car lurched forward and crashed, jolting me off of the safety of the seat and flung me toward the windshield. I felt a fiery pain as I slammed into the glass, it splintered and broke as I made contact with it. Glass ripped up my face and hands when I tried to catch myself.

Finally, I stopped.

I was hanging half out of the windshield with my face on the hood and legs on the dashboard. The worst part was the glass I was lying on, it impaled my stomach so deep I was sure I was going to die.

I tried to blink the blood out of my eyes and lift my head, but I could do neither.

Blackness surrounds me, but I try to fight the sleep. I knew I would not wake up again, but I couldn't fight it. It was so comforting and safe. If I just gave into it, everything would be okay.

The last thing I heard before giving into the sleep was people moving in the trunk and groaning. That's when I was sure they had survived.
Then there was only blackness.

The Kidnapper's Daughter (One Direction fiction)Where stories live. Discover now