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I glanced into the rear view mirror to see if there were people pursuing us, but thankfully saw none.

I sighed and sat back into the soft seat. This was a rental big, black, unmarked van. The kind that freak people out when they see it in their neighborhood and stuff. Which, now that I think about it. They SHOULD be scared of them.

I glanced at Zack and he was smiling smugly and I wasn't sure why.

"What's got you so happy?" I ask annoyed.

"Oh, nothing." He said innocently as he continued to smile.

Whatever I guess. I think to myself and shut my eyes. It would be a while until we got to the meeting place. And by the meeting place I mean an abandoned warehouse we had spotted earlier.

I suddenly felt really tired. My eyes were already closed so I just let my thoughts quiet themselves and slipped into a light sleep.


My eyes snapped open as I felt a jolt. Bright light blinded me momentarily and my heart pounds in my chest.

I then realize that I am still in the car and Zack had just braked. I took a deep breath and glanced back into the back seat to see the boys still sleeping soundly.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Zack purred and ruffled my probably ratty hair.

I would've bit his hand off, but I was too tired and just ignored him.

Zack looked surprised he didn't get a reaction out of me. So he looked back through the wind shield and eased his foot off the brake to get the car moving again.

We headed straight into the car garage of the warehouse. This causes the light to get dimmer and I sigh in relief because I don't have to squint against the light anymore.

In case you haven't noticed. I don't like light. I would rather spend my entire life in darkness, never seeing anything, than see the "miracle" that is light.

I unsnap my seat belt that I had surprisingly been wearing for once. Too bad we didn't crash so I could test my theory about seat belts.

I heard the driver's door shut with a thud for Zack had already pulled out the keys from the ignition, was out of the car already and headed to the back doors of the van.

I sighed and quickly jumped out of the car. That was a dumb idea, because I was still wearing heals and had been sitting for a while so I was a bit off balance and had to grip the car door for support.

"You okay?" Zack asked as he dragged the first boy to the 5 chairs in the middle of the dim room.

The warehouse was literally one huge room. The car garage wasn't a separate building or whatever, but led straight into the main room. The floor was dirt and the chairs were virtually the only item in the entire place other than the car and us. The ceiling was tin or something and had a few holes in it letting patches of light through. The walls were rotten and I think they were brick, but it was hard to tell.

"Hello?" Zack snapped me back to reality.

"Um yeah I'm fine." I answer quickly and helped move the boys to the rusty medal folding chairs.

When we finally got them tied to the chairs I sighed and went back to the van.

We didn't have to Skype my father until 10:00 a.m. We got done a lot faster than we thought we would because it was 7:00 a.m. The concert had been in the evening and it had taken us a while to find the remote warehouse where we wouldn't be caught easily.

I looked to Zack with my eyes drooping. He looked back with bright eyes. Dumb bastard must have had a lot of caffeine.

"Ashley, you can get some rest if you'd like. I'll watch the hostages." He promised. Something sparks in his brown eyes that makes me think he is pushing me to sleep for a reason other than my comfort, but I ignore it being too exhausted to care.

I walk gratefully to the van and lie down on the empty space in the middle where the boys had been piled earlier. The carpet on the ground was ruff and hard, but I didn't care and fell into a very deep sleep easily.


I feel something sharply poke my side. I grumbled and squinted my shut my eyes tighter, but whatever it was kept poking me.

I finally got fed up and opened my eyes to see that I was not in the van anymore. I attempted to check my phone for the time, but something restrains my hands and holds them behind me.

What the hell? I'm fully awake now and realize now that I am sitting in a rusty, metal, fold up chair and my hands are tied behind my back and ankles to the legs of the chairs. I could sense that I was now included in the circle of 5 hostages in the middle of the warehouse. Well, I guess it was 6 now. We were laid out so that our backs faced the middle of the tiny circle while we were pushed as close to each other's backs as the chairs would allow us.

I look to my right to see what had been poking me and see that it had been the blonde boy from the band. He looked at me with terror in his eyes and he looked like he was about to cry. I have to say, he looks like a puppy who was just kicked and I feel a rush of sympathy for him knowing I did this to him.

Of course though, that sympathy was replaced by anger as I look forward again to see Zack sitting on the butt of the van smirking and holding a video camera with the red light on.

"Nice of you to join us babe." He said, "You know, it's weird. Your so tuff, yet I got you tied to the chair without waking you and I didn't even need to use the chloroform." He laughed.

"What the fuck do you think your doing Zack?!" I asked quietly as I strained against my bonds. I was also trying my hardest not to cry or loose control.

He got up from his perch and walked towards me slowly and put the camera close to my face.

"Say hi to daddy honey." He purred and he smiled.

The Kidnapper's Daughter (One Direction fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang