20 - yacht escapades

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It had become quite late into the night when the party in the harbor of Monaco finally died down and new plans for the rest of the evening were made. Everyone's minds were fuzzy from the amount of alcohol they had consumed, but the night was still young. The promise of a chill after party at the yacht of Charles was on everyone's mind including mine.  Lewis and George had promised Toto that they would ensure nothing bad would happen to me as I would join them wherever we were going. And we were going to Charles's yacht. And of course, I didn't tell Toto that was the plan, because why should he know? It was very nerve-racking and exciting, as I wanted to spend more time with Charles so badly, our kisses from back in Miami and after his tour of Monaco on my mind. And he made sure I didn't forget him: his lingering hand on my arm, shoulder or back when he was near during the party made me short-circuit in my brain. Everything about him was attractive at this point, and even sober me would agree, but I wouldn't give in too easily when I was sober and I wasn't now. And I could let loose a little, right?

A select group of drivers, employees of the F1 teams and friends of Charles, had all gathered on the big yacht he had in the harbor to continue the party in a more private and relaxed setting. It was perfect to wind down with a nice cold beverage and the fresh wind on your face, chatting without having all these sponsors or influencers or photographers watching you. But it also was so fancy, partying at a yacht, it made me giggle. I couldn't fully believe this was happening to me, it was way fancier than I had ever done anything in my life and I knew I shouldn't take any of it for granted. 

Monaco was even more beautiful in the night, when the stars shone bright in the dark sky and the city was illuminated by thousands of warm lights. I stood at the edge of the yacht in a more quiet corner away from the rest, just watching the view before me in awe, taking it all in and trying not to wobble too much on my feet. While I was taking a picture of the sight of the beautiful city of Monte Carlo to send to Willow to make her jealous, Charles showed up behind me. With a drink in his hand and a sly smile on his lips, showing the dimples in his cheeks, he slid his hand around my waist. I stiffened for a moment, what if somebody saw us?  His warm breath tickled my ear, oh I easily swooned for him.

 "No need to worry ma chérie, nobody will see us here." He whispered with a crooked smile and I turned my head towards him. He was close, smelled like alcohol and a very expensive cologne and I titled my head, turning my whole body to lean against the railing now with him standing before me. He made my knees weak and he knew it.

 "And what if one of your friends see us? Toto will have your head if he finds out." I joked - but I also meant it - and he chuckled, a beautiful sound which I couldn't wait to hear more of. His hands were lingering on my body, softly pulling me closer, pressing himself against me. I bit my lip and looked up at him with my slightly tilted head.

 "They won't tell a soul. You know, it's an unwritten rule between the drivers and our closest friends that whatever we see happening between drivers and other people, it's a secret and we all keep it." He chuckles, softly pressing a kiss to my cheeks and I giggle softly at the sparks the soft touch left behind. "Besides, I would face Toto any day if it means I can do this." He leans in, his breath tickling me and driving me insane. Oh, god, this man knew what he was doing. He pulls me close and softly kisses my cheek, jawline and neck and I mumble his name, but he doesn't stop. I didn't want him to either. God, he was so intensely sexy. 

His strong rough hands drove me wild, well everything about Mr. Leclerc drove me insane at this point. A soft moan escaped my lips when he softly nibbled on my skin and I felt him giggle against the nape of my neck and before I knew it I felt his lips capturing mine with a soaring kiss. I let out a little gasp. My fingers reached for his hair to pull him closer and his soft dark brown locks were too fun to play with. I didn't want this to end. His hands steady on my hips, pressing himself close against me, my back touching the railing of his yacht as our lips moved together fueled by a fire within both of us.

Oh god, I just couldn't comprehend that I was making out with a very sexy and adorable F1 driver, from Ferrari (Toto is gonna kill me), on a yacht in Monaco. If I had told me from two years ago that this was gonna happen in the future, I would've slapped myself because this doesn't happen to girls like me. Well, I'm Toto's daughter, but it's difficult and oh god, Charles was an amazing kisser, even when we were both tipsy and felt the sea rocking his yacht. It felt good, but.. No, Teddy, no buts, not now.  Maybe it was alright to let go for once and enjoy this moment and make sure my mind doesn't fuck it up.

I felt his hand cup my face and his tongue tap my bottom lip and I greedily let him enter, leaning into his touch with ease, the wind in my hair. Our lips moved in sync, our tongues twirled around each other as we held on for dear life. His lips were rough yet soft, his tongue was eager yet careful. He slowly lets go as we pant against each other's lips, catching our breath. It felt like I could take on the world right now, but he also made my knees weak. I softly pant against his lip with a sly grin, slowly catching his eyes. They were soft and kind, his dimples deep in his cheeks and he caressed my cheek.

 "I like this." He whispered with his thick accent against my lips and I nodded in agreement as I felt my heart skip a beat at his voice. "I like you Teddy. I couldn't think of anything else but you these last few weeks." The way he pronounced my name made me shiver and I stared into his gorgeous green eyes, our noses brushing and he softly chuckled, pecking my lips featherlight. How could someone make me melt so easily? I smiled at him, brushing my nose against his.

 "I like you too, Charles." I whispered as if it was a secret we were sharing and he chuckled. Oh, the sound of his chuckle made my heart flutter and it was a sound I could listen to every moment of my life. But before we could speak up again, we heard a little gasp. We were interrupted by Charles his best friend Joris, who didn't know that we had a moment over here and came looking for Charles and giggled loudly - and clearly drunk - when he saw us. Charles turned bright red, telling Joris off in French - which sounded extremely sexy - and I felt my cheeks warm up, my hand sliding around Charles his waist. My fingers drew circling on his back. I didn't know what they talked about, but it surely sounded like Joris was teasing his friend. I would've done the same to mine, to be honest.

 "Let's go join the others." Charles breathed against my ear as Joris had walked back and it made me shiver. I nodded and we walked back to rest, where I got a glaring look from George, who had noted my and Charles' absence and was clearly filling in the blanks. It was hard to look as innocent as possible as I felt my cheeks heat up and I couldn't stop smiling with Charles's arm draped around me. A few guys were looking our way and I headed to sit somewhere, but Charles held my hand and pulled me back, looking innocently at me and quietly asking if I wanted to sit with him. And how could I say no to those eyes? So I sat beside him on a little sofa, his arm around my shoulders and I couldn't stop smiling, the memory of his lips on mine on my mind.

To be honest, I barely remember anything from what everyone talked about. It was late and the only thing on my mind was Charles. With his fingers playing with my hair, twirling over my shoulder and neck, his breath against my ear when he whispered something. We sat on our little sofa on his yacht between his friends and colleagues, but it felt like we were alone in our own little bubble. Nobody would speak up about what was going on between us. As to everyone it was crystal clear that Charles, the golden boy of Ferrari had somehow made me - Toto's daughter and Mercedes's Princess as people were calling me now- fall for him. And they were hoping that Toto wouldn't find out because Charles wouldn't survive that kind of wraith. But those were worries for the future. In that moment, Charles and I just enjoyed it all: my head against his shoulder, his arm keeping me safe and warm, me playing with the rings on his hand and his soft whispers of affection that he whispered playfully against my ear, while sitting amongst friends. I had never felt like this before and it felt good, real good. It was almost too good to be true, as we lived in a fast-paced world where rumors spread fast. Anything could happen, so you had to live your life to the fullest right? But also be ready to be knocked down any moment.


A/N: hihi, hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry for the long wait. Life has been extremely busy. And thank you for all the comments, reads and votes. Let me know what you think so far :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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