Chapter 1: Maltesers and Suspicion

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Dan's POV

I smiled as Phil walked in the room. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Dan Howell better known as the famous youtuber danisnotonfire. I have a little secret. I'm gay. And in love with my best friend Phil (amazingphil). I know I shouldn't think about this, but I can't help it. "Did you get the stuff" I asked him all serious like "If you mean the maltesers then yes" Phil replied jokingly as he threw them at me. "So what do you want to do?" I asked Phil while I started chugging down the maltesers. "Let's go to town" he replied.  

"Noooo" I groaned 

"Come on we can't just stay in here all day" he said.  

"Says who" 

"Says me" 

"Says your mum" 



Then he grabbed the maltesers from me. "Phil! What the fuck" I exclaimed. "Where going to town" he replied. "Fine" I muttered as put my shoes on. He grinned in victory as I snatched the maltesers from him. "Only because of the maltesers" I stated Phil just laughed and walked out the door and I followed.


Phil's POV

I just finished my bowl of cereal when Dan walked in. "Look who finally woke up!" I exclaimed sarcastically. Dan rolled his eyes and started editing one of his videos for his channel. Talking about You Tube I should talk to some of my fans in the comments. My smile faded when I saw some of them. "Get off of you tube you worthless peace of shit" one of them read. Then I saw some of my subscribers backing me up. "Thanks guys" I commented to the people who backed me up. I love my philions.

Dan has been acting strangely lately. What's going on??? I decided to ask him and started walking over to him. "What's going on Dan? You've been acting a bit strange" I asked him. "Shut up and mine your own fucking business" he replied.

Dan's POV

I locked the bathroom door and took out my raiser. I pressed it on my arm and waited for the blood to flow. That's right, I cut. I've been cutting ever since I fell in love with Phil because I know I never will have a chance with him. Tears formed to my eyes and I winced in pain as it broke skin. I know Phil wouldn't want me to be doing this, but I couldn't stop. I've gone too far. I was addicted. Phil was beginning to become suspicious just to make things worse. I wasn't depressed or anything. I was something much worse. I am something much worse. I'm heartbroken.

I lied awake in my bed. A billion and one thoughts were going through my mind right now. That's when I decided to tell Phil the truth. I'm going to tell him I'm gay. I won't tell him that I'm madly in love with him yet though. It's still too soon. I smiled and fell asleep. Phil will understand. Will he?



Hey sorry this is sooooooo short. Bye


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