Chapter 5: Ummmmm. Hi?

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Phil's POV

Dan's heart stopped. I was rushed out of the room and all I could do was cry. This was all because of me. All of the memories came flowing back from the beginning to now. Some made me laugh others made me cry. I texted PJ and Chris and told them what was happening. They said they will be here soon.

I was broken out of my flashback by a nurse shaking me. "Daniel is okay" she said cheerfully. He's alive! I sprung to my feat and hugged the nurse. "Thank you" I said to her joyfully. "You can visit Daniel now. He just woke up" I ran into Dan's room.

"Hi Dan" I exclaimed. "Phil." He replied "is that you Phil?" I nodded and walked over to his bed, he hugged me and I started crying. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes. I am now" I replied.

Dan's POV

Phil said he loved me. When I was unconscious before my heart stopped for a moment I could hear him some how. Did he mean it? "Phil I need to ask you something. You said you ummmm love me. Was that ummmm true?" "Yes. I love you Dan" he mumbled. I crashed my lips against his and sparks flied.

Phil's POV

I was frozen in shock when Dan kissed me. As soon as I got over my shock I kissed him back. Our lips were like two messed up puzzle peaces coming together. This kiss was perfect. And as if on cue PJ and Chris walked in. Wow this is awkward. We broke apart and acted all casual. "Hello! Nice to see you guys" I said trying to break the silence. "Ummm. So your together..." Chris asked adding on to the awkwardness. "Yes?" Dan replied. Looking at me for help. I just smiled and nodded.

I Need You To Help Me /a Phan-FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora