Chapter 11: WHAT

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Phil's POV

The nurse left and I saw Dan sitting on his hospital bed sobbing. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I'm going to die in two weeks. When the truck hit me it tore something in my heart, and it's causing me to die in two weeks" he replied. "WHAT" I responded before I started crying too.

"Isn't there something we can do?" I asked hopefully

"No. It's to serious" Dan replied

"But. But. You can't be"

I got Dan up and had him get changed while I got the doctor. As soon as I found him I asked if Dan could come home since he was going to die anyways. He nodded in response and I ran back to get Dan. "DAN WHERE GOING HOME!" I screamed to him. He gave me a small smile and we ran out of the hospital.


"Sooooo" Dan started hopping to make conversation. "I can't believe your going to die" I muttered. "I was going to commit a long time ago, but you saved me, Phil" Dan stated. "You were?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was lost, but you helped me. You made my life a bit longer. Thank you."

"I'm going to need you, Dan. I'm never going to live without you"

"You can and will. I need you to help me, though"

"With what?"

"I have a bucket list that I want to finish"

"I'm up for that, where do we begin?"

"With the first thing I ever wanted"

"What's that?"



I must be killing you guys soooo much. :) But hey, I updated early! Next chapter has some smut ;)

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