new story

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 The setting starts -  school just ended.   And summer vacation  starts.

Wednesday ( the last day of school and summer vacation Started)

Third P.O.V.

 Rayla was in math class waiting for the bell to ring and summer vacation would start. She was super excited to go camping her family. She is going to a be a junior in high school next year. her boyfriend is Noah. And her best friend is  Jennifer. 

 Rayla  P.O.V.
When I walked out of class, I pushed my way through to tell my boyfriend that I won't be seeing him snice I am going camping with my family and will be gone a month. When I got closer to his locker I saw him making out my best friend. I couldn't believe she would do that.  I got out the school  building and into  my car. After I cried in my car. After I had finished crying I texted them  to have a great summer and I won't see them in a month.

Third P.O.V.
Rayla was crying and driving.  When she wipe her tears, She saw a red light. Just when she was bout to hit the break  when  a drunk driver came out  nowhere and made her car swerved  and made her crash  into the street pole light. The next thing you know she was being put  on the starcher and into ambulance.  

 Rayla's P.O.V.
I woke up and found myself in a hallway with many doors.  I  shrug it off and was about to knock any door and ask  for a phone , but  someone said "  that door is when you were in fifth grade and you kissed Jake Walker who was a bad kisser. I turned around and was shocked  to see the  grim reaper standing Infront of me.

" am I in hell ?"

" No. your in limbo."

Third POV

Rayla  was shocked when she saw herself in a hospital bed. After the grim reaper snaped his  finger they were  in a  beautiful garden gazebo.   He snaped his fingers and table appear. When he sat down, He said " this  paper and you will be back in your body."

She sat down and read the paper. The paper read : I,  Rayla Jenkins am dead.  I will be back in my body  with   a curse. The curse  can be broken  with   a  year. "

After she signed the paper , she asked what was the  curse.

The  grim reaper  took   off  her glasses and broke it.

She said " why did you - he tapped it and it was fix magically. When she put then back on she felt like her body was on  fire. She then became  unconscious . 

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