2. Crying

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Third POV
Aero went to his room. When she got closer to  his room she heard moans. She figure he's moaning in his sleep snice he sometimes does that.  When she opened the door, she was shocked to see him banging  her best friend.  She froze  for a  bit and the pulled herself and got out before they would notice her.   When she got in her car she broke down and cried.

Leo pov ( aka Leon)
I woke up with a hangover. I sat up with a headache. I looked around the room  and notice that some girl  was across from me on the other bed. I got out from the bed and felt cold. I looked down and notice that I had pants on but no shirt on. After I put on my shirt which was on the floor, I walked towards the door. When I got to the door, I thought it would be rude  to leave without a goodbye. I turned around and went to the desk. After I wrote a note, i pulled it out from the pad and got up from the chair.

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