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"So, what's this I hear you went with my brother to shop" Tigris asks in an exciting news tone.

"First of all, he insisted" I point out. "Secondly, who's the rat?"

"Fabricia." She responds.

My jaw drops, "I have so much revenge in my heart for that woman, if I could  she'd be charged with defamation"

"That's crazy" Tigris says laughing. "Coryo is so uptight and I think you'd be good for each other"

"It's not my fault he has a stick shoved up his ass 90% of the time" I retort. "But I will say, Sejanus on the hand."

"Shut up." Tigris says with a grin.

After visiting Tigris at the shop I headed to school right away for the ceremony. I could finally wear my own clothing rather than that depressing red uniform I hated so much.

Amidst the chatter and excitement of the mentor event, I find myself drawn to the charismatic Sejanus, a small crush lingering in the corners of my thoughts. As he converses with a group of academic runner-ups, Persephone, my ever-observant friend, calls me over.

"Hey, Cordelia, come join us!" Persephone waves me over, her eyes glinting mischievously.

I weave through the crowd, trying to act nonchalant as I approach Sejanus. My heart races a bit faster, and I can't help but feel a bit awkward in his presence. "Hey, Sejanus," I greet him with a shy smile.

"Hey, Cordelia. Glad you could make it," he replies, his attention momentarily diverted from the group.

Persephone nudges me playfully, and I stammer out something that's supposed to be witty but ends up sounding like a strange mix of words.

"Well, you know I just love watching people get ripped away from their lives like some kinda cattle" I say. "It brings me everlasting...dread"

Sejanus raises an eyebrow, and I mentally scold myself for the awkward display.

Persephone purses her perfectly lined lips. "That's the Hunger games silly. We're finding out who won the prize."

"You said it not me." I mutter under my breath. Coriolanus spawns behind Persephone suddenly and I look up at him in shock.

I notice he's wearing the shirt I gave to him earlier today.

"Looks like Mr. Winner is here." Persephone teases.

"Relax, I haven't won yet." Coriolanus retorts. Sejanus places his hand on his buddy's shoulder as a way to greet him.

"Arachne has a good chance." Coriolanus says looking over at her interacting with people.

"Arachne makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a pencil every time I hear her chalky voice" I say with  scrutinizing eyes.

"You and me both sister" Persephone says agreeing. "Little miss, chalk voice over there should care for her shitty attitude."

"Can't argue with that" Coriolanus says looking over at the center of the room.

Just as I'm about to excuse myself from the situation, the mentor assignment ceremony begins. The room hushes into a tense silence as each mentor is assigned their tribute. The atmosphere is electric with anticipation.

"Goodluck guys" I say to the group and find a seat among the rest of the class. Luckily, theres a sit near Persephone whose in the mentor chairs. Then the speech is given and the announcement that the hunger games will be hosted with mentors being the students.

Everyone is shocked and soon enough they're calling peoples names and assigning districts to students.

As the names are called, I feel a knot of anxiety in my stomach. Lucy Grey from District 12 emerges, and my eyes widen at the unexpected display of rebellion. She puts a snake in another girl's dress, leaving the room in stunned silence.

Coriolanus's name is called next, and I can sense his unease. Persephone nudges me again, whispering, "Looks like Coriolanus got a wild one."

"She's batshit crazy" I announce in shock. Coriolanus looks like he got the short end of the stick.

After the ceremony I approach him discreetly, sharing a knowing look. "You've got quite the challenge ahead, Coriolanus."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Lucy Grey. I don't know if she'll make it through the Games."

Coriolanus had gone out to get some air from the whole situation and opted to check up on him after Sejanus mentioned he'd probably get punched if he came.

So when I say opted, I mean I was sacrificed and sent to die her with snow.

But Atlas I offer some advice, "Make her appear human, relatable. It might help gain some viewship or most importantly donations. That singing trait, it's something."

He nods appreciatively, but I can see a hint of desperation in his eyes. "I need to win this, Cordelia. I can't afford to fail."

His determination sends a shiver down my spine. "Just be careful, Coriolanus. Winning isn't always what we expect."

"It's about winning Cordelia." he declares stressed out of his mind.

"I know I joked about it earlier. But if I was ripped from my family put into a death arena I wouldn't want to even met my mentor" I say thoughtfully.

"Ms. Hawridge, I see you attended today's ceremony." We hear a very familiar voice from behind. "Unfortunately, that cannot be said about your attendance in todays lecture"

"Professor Highbottom," I say with an apologetic smile. "It' lovely seeing you around these corners"

"Two students out of school grounds in a secluded part, suspicious behavior?" He asks the both of us.

"We weren't doing anything" Coriolanus speaks up.

I hold up a finger "But we were discussing how the test on Monday should be cancelled because you know...hunger games?"

"Nice try kid." Highbottom says with a flat grin. "I need to speak with snow, alone. Go do you late homework Hawkridge"

"It's technically not late" I banter back. "You said "end of the day" it's 3pm."

"I'll pretend it's not late and you're not late to you other class if you leave now" he negotiated. I look at Coriolanus and give an apologetic smile.

"Would you look at the time? Bye! I'll see you tomorrow" I say with a grin and walk back inside the school. With that I skipped my way to class and told my instructor I was being held up with highbottom which they surprisingly agreed on.

"How's Coriolanus?" Sejanus suddenly sits beside me.

"He's doing fine," I say brushing it off. "If anything, his hair might fall off. He's stressing"

"Fuck." He says also stressed out. "Remind me, to be like you. Don't be smart"

"I'm a smart woman, I just chose to do the bare minimum there's a difference" I point out frowning. "And I'm glad I'm not smart, all of your hairlines are running away faster than these skirts are every year"

"There's a lot going on right now" Sejanus says looking at me through his lashes. "Marcus and I used to be friend back when we lived at the districts. My parents bought him for me."

"That's so fucked up" I say genuinely upset. "What kind of parents even to that shit?"

"Mine do." He says sadly.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud" I confess. "Im really sorry you're going through this Sejanus. You don't deserve it."

"No one does, Cordelia" he settles his things next to me in class. "I'm sitting here today if that's alright?"

I nod my head and internally freak out a bit. Tigris is going to die when I tell her Sejanus had chosen to sit next to me.

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