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I take a deep breath, the confined space feeling both stifling and confessional. "Tigris was furious when I decided to go into industrial production gear," I begin, my words measured. "I'm here to manage that side of the business."

As I speak, I notice Coriolanus grabbing a sharp object from the prop section. Despite the fleeting concern, I decide to continue, my focus on explaining the unfolding events. "I didn't mean for anything to happen, but Tigris was so upset. She started yelling, kicked me out of the penthouse."

Coriolanus places the sharp object on the table, discarding it along with its attention. He moves closer, choosing to sit beside me. As I sit on the dusty couch, my narrative continues, recounting how Tigris returned last week, yet the silence between us persisted, a tangible barrier that spoke volumes about the strain in our relationship.

Coriolanus listens to my words with a thoughtful expression, his gaze focused on me. "Tigris will come around, Cordelia. Give it time. She's understanding."

As he speaks, my eyes well up with tears, the weight of the situation crashing down on me. "Do you think I made a mistake?" I whisper, vulnerability seeping into my voice.

Coriolanus doesn't answer immediately. Instead, he reaches out, gently grabbing my face and wiping away my tears. Our eyes lock, and for a moment, everything else fades away. There's a silent understanding, an unspoken connection between us.

In that vulnerable exchange, Lucy Gray enters the room, finding us in a compromising position. The air thickens with an unexpected tension as she takes in the scene, her expression unreadable.

I stand up from my position, my eyes meeting Lucy's as I address the situation. "I'm sorry, he was only comforting me."

"Yer that fashion designer," she says in realization.

"I am, I made your dress," I reply with a smile.

"You asked me if I was okay," she responds. "You were one of the only people who treated me with kindness."

"At the shooting, right?" I say, remembering. "I'm glad you're okay."

"As okay as I can be, at least here," she says softly.

"Your singing is exceptional," I compliment, noticing Coriolanus rising from the couch next to me. I catch Lucy eyeing the sharp edges of the mental prop on the table.

She's taken out of her reverie and locks eyes with Coriolanus. "Thanks, it all comes from the heart."

"I better get going, I have work tomorrow morning," I announce awkwardly.

"I'll walk you," Coriolanus offers. I can tell Lucy is pissed. I didn't need a second opinion to confirm.

"Sejanus has offered," I reply to him. He looks into my eyes and ignores my comment. "Come on, I haven't seen you in so long, let me."

"Love, if the girl said she has someone doin' the walk, it'll be alright. You'll see her one day. I'm sure she'd like some alone time with her man," Lucy speaks up, oddly cheery. Her accent becomes more prominent.

"I agree, there's no need to bother your evening," I say with a sad smile. "I'll give your family your regards."

With that, I leave or more so flee the room in a hurry. I find Sejanus is still sitting with the others.

Igor sees me and surprisingly gives a good interaction. "Capitol baby, I was starting to grow concerned."

"Look at you using big words," I compliment. "I am officially going to leave you all."

"So soon?" Igor asks. Now that I'm looking at him, he was a big baby.

"Sacrifices are commendable, Igor," I advise. "I have important responsibilities to attend to tomorrow morning."

"Do these tasks involve you leaving so soon?" Sejanus asks. I grab my purse that's right next to him.

"I have a five-figure deal to close tomorrow," I mention. "I'd define it as crucial."

"I'll walk you home," Sejanus says, standing up from his spot.

"Thank you," I say with a smile. "Well, gentlemen, it has been an evening. Thank you for the beer, Igor."

Sejanus and I both left the bar. I was exhausted from the trip and the interactions with Coriolanus.

As we walk down the sketchy streets of District 12, he interrupts the calm silence. "You and Coryo huh?"

"I'm not doing this," I say, stopping him. He laughs and looks in my direction. "Oh come on, he's very interested in you."

"Did he tell you that?" I ask confused.

"No, he doesn't like talking about you," he confesses. "Seeing as the man got rejected I can see why."

"He didn't get rejected," I defend. He looks surprised. "So it's deeper than that?"

"It's complicated," I admit with a sigh. "I have my own life, my business, and ambitions. Coriolanus is part of my past, and I intend to keep it that way."

Sejanus raises an eyebrow, curious. "But he seems to think otherwise."

"Men like Coriolanus enjoy the thrill of a chase," I say with a knowing smile. "But I'm not one."

"What happened between you two?" Sejanus persists, curiosity evident in his expression." I thought we were all friends."

I glance at him, debating how much to share. "Coriolanus is moving to District 12 for Lucy Gray. He made his choice, and I respect that."

Sejanus furrows his brows, clearly surprised. "He's moving for a girl? Are you sure?"

"He basically said it himself," I reply with a shrug. "It's not my place to question his decisions."

Sejanus shakes his head. "I've known Coryo for a long time. He doesn't just up and leave for anyone. There's more to this."

I sigh, growing weary of the topic. "Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that my life is in the Capitol, and I have my own path to follow."

Sejanus nods, accepting my response. We walk in companionable silence, the cool night air providing a refreshing contrast to the heated discussions of the bar. Despite the lingering questions about Coriolanus, I find comfort in the solidarity of the present moment.

We continue walking through the dimly lit streets, the conversation drifting to lighter topics, away from the complexities of my past and the enigmatic man from the Capitol. Sejanus provides a welcome distraction, and I find solace in his company, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Thanks for walking me," I say to Sejanus as we reach the entrance of the hotel.

"Anytime," he replies with a warm smile. "Consider talking to Coryo, though. Closure is a good thing."

"I'll think about it," I promise, knowing that my busy schedule might make it challenging.

He pulls me into a hug, and I reciprocate, grateful for his support. "You're an amazing friend, Sejanus. We'll catch up soon."

He leans in to kiss my cheek, and I offer a genuine smile. "Take care, Cordelia."

With that, we part ways, each heading into our respective paths for the night.

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