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The hum of the sewing machines echoed through the boutique as I meticulously worked on the designs for the upcoming season. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of creativity, and I managed to import some exquisite fabrics from District 1 to elevate Vendetta's collection. The vision board on the wall guided me through each stitch, each piece a testament to the dreams Tigris and I shared for our brand.

The Hunger games had come to an end. Lucy Gray was in fact the winner. She was over the moon about it and was happy Lucy would return victorious.

Suddenly, the rhythmic sounds of the sewing machines were drowned out by the jarring slam of the entrance door. Startled, I turned to see Tigris bursting through the entrance, tears streaming down her face. Alarmed, I rushed over, setting aside my work to comfort her.

"Tigris, what happened?" I asked, concern etched across my face.

"It's Coriolanus," she managed to say between sobs. "He's been sent off to District 12 permanently."

A heavy silence filled the room as the weight of her words sank in. Coriolanus, the complicated presence in our lives, was now relegated to the very district he often dismissed.

I took Tigris by the shoulders, guiding her to sit down. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Coriolanus is a smart man. He'll find a way to make his mark, even in District 12."

"But it's District 12, Cordelia," Tigris exclaimed, her voice shaky. "He'll never survive there."

I sighed, grappling with the uncertainty of the situation. "Look, Tigris, we can't change what happened. What we can do is hope for the best. Coriolanus is resilient; he might surprise us."

As I spoke those words, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this turn of events would impact all of us more than we could anticipate. Coriolanus Snow, once a part of our world, was now confined to the shadows of District 12. Only time would reveal the repercussions of this drastic change.

I handed Tigris a glass of water, hoping the cool liquid would soothe her distressed state. She took a few sips, and as the trembling in her hands subsided, I gently probed, "Tigris, what happened? Why is Coriolanus sent to District 12 permanently?"

Tigris looked at me with a mix of guilt and sadness, hesitating to reveal the details. Sensing her internal struggle, I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Tigris, you know you can trust me. Whatever it is, we'll face it together. I won't judge your family."

She took a deep breath and met my eyes, her own filled with turmoil. "Cordelia, they found out... Coriolanus cheated in the games."

Shock rippled through me, and for a moment, I couldn't comprehend the weight of her words. "Cheated?" I finally uttered, my mind grappling with the revelation.

Tigris nodded, her expression pained. "Lucy Gray didn't win. Coriolanus manipulated the games to save her."

My eyes widened, connecting the dots between Coriolanus's actions and the unexpected turn of events during the Hunger Games. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. "Lucy Gray... she wasn't the true victor?"

Tigris nodded again, tears welling up in her eyes. "No, Cordelia. Coriolanus orchestrated it all. And now he's paying the price."

As the gravity of the situation unfolded before me, I couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of Coriolanus's actions and how they would reshape not only his fate but also our lives intertwined with his. The tangled web of loyalty, love, and betrayal had just become more intricate, and the path ahead seemed uncertain and fraught with challenges.

I pulled Tigris into a comforting embrace, letting her find solace in the shared warmth. Her tears dampened my shoulder, and the weight of her sorrow pressed against me. "Tigris," I murmured softly, "if you need time off, I can manage things here. You don't have to worry about the shop. Your well-being is more important."

She pulled back slightly, shaking her head. "No, Cordelia. I need this distraction. This shop, these clothes, it's my dream. I can't let everything fall apart. And besides, throwing myself into work might be the only way to keep my mind off... off everything else."

Understanding her need for normalcy and a sense of purpose, I nodded. "Alright, Tigris. We'll manage together. Lean on me whenever you need to, and we'll navigate through this."

As we stood there, embracing each other, I couldn't help but ponder the intricate tapestry of our lives, now interwoven with Coriolanus's choices and their far-reaching consequences. The boutique, once a sanctuary for dreams and aspirations, now stood as a refuge against the harsh realities that threatened to unravel our world.

Tigris, wiping away a tear, continued, "They're allowing him to say goodbye before he boards the train to District 12 tomorrow. I... I don't want him to face it alone. Cordelia, will you come with me? He needs all the moral support he can get."

I nodded without hesitation. "Of course, Tigris. I'll be there with you. We'll face this together."

As the weight of the situation sank in, nervous anticipation gripped me. Coriolanus, the enigmatic and complex person I had grown fond of, was now detained for actions that seemed out of character. The prospect of saying goodbye to him felt surreal and heartbreaking.

My mind raced back to the moment when he mentioned asking me on a date after the Hunger Games were over. The realization hit me that this scenario, with its unforeseen twists and turns, shattered any possibility of that date ever happening. The future seemed uncertain, and the emotional tumult within me mirrored the stormy atmosphere of the Capitol.

Despite my anxiety, my commitment to supporting Tigris and being there for Coriolanus remained steadfast. Tomorrow held the promise of difficult farewells and unanswered questions, but in the face of adversity, we would stand united.

I grappled with a realization that stung — Coriolanus might never have seen anything more than a friendship between us. Perhaps, he was envisioning a life with Lucy Gray in District 12, free from the complexities of Capitol life. The anger at feeling led on simmered beneath the surface, but I knew I had to put on a brave face for Tigris.

Tigris, perceptive as ever, sensed something amiss. She asked, "Is everything okay, Cordelia?"

I quickly brushed off her concern, forcing a smile. "Everything's fine, Tigris. Let's just focus on being there for Coriolanus. That's what matters right now."

Deep down, I grappled with the truth, holding onto the resilience required to face the impending farewell without letting my personal feelings overshadow the support Tigris and Coriolanus needed.

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