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I slump onto Tigris's couch, frustration evident in every line of my body. "Tigris, you wouldn't believe the stress I'm under. Finals are driving me mad, and now Coriolanus Snow has the audacity to ask me to design a dress for Lucy Grey's performance."

Tigris, always the calming presence, places a hand on my shoulder. "Cordelia, take a deep breath. We'll handle it together. You focus on your finals, and I'll take care of the corset for Lucy's dress. We've got this."

Her reassurance brings a flicker of relief to my stress-laden mind. "Thank you, Tigris. I don't know what I'd do without you."

We work side by side, immersed in the creation of Lucy Grey's outfit. Tigris meticulously crafts the corset with her expert touch, easing the burden on my overwhelmed shoulders. As we finish, I express my gratitude once more.

"Seriously, Tigris, you're a lifesaver. Now, I need to head to the zoo area to discuss the details with Coriolanus. Wish me luck."

Tigris nods, understanding the weight of the situation. "Good luck, Cordelia. We'll make this dress unforgettable."

With Tigris held up by Fabricia's crisis at the boutique, I take a deep breath and head towards the looming challenge that awaits in the zoo area. comes my way.

As I approach the zoo area, the stark contrast between the Capitol's lavishness and the tributes' reality becomes painfully evident. I see Lucy and Coriolanus on opposite sides of the jail bars, sharing a simple sandwich. Lucy, clad in a ragged skirt and blouse, eyes me with a mixture of resentment and disdain.

"Look who we have here, a Capitol princess gracing us with her presence," she sneers, bitterness lacing her words.

I suppress a sigh, realizing the privilege etched into every fiber of my being. Coriolanus intervenes, trying to defuse the tension. "Lucy, Cordelia is here to help. She's designing a dress for your performance."

Lucy scoffs, the resentment in her eyes deepening. "A dress? Like that's going to change anything. In District 12, we don't have the luxury of pretty fabrics and fancy clothes. While you prance around in your Capitol finery, we scrape for every meal."

Coriolanus attempts to explain, "Lucy, she's offering her expertise to make your performance memorable. This could be the key to getting sponsors and support."

The tension in the air is palpable, and as I reach for the dress, I can't help but feel the weight of privilege bearing down on me. Archne, Sejanus, and their tributes are engaged in their own interactions, and I catch a glimpse of Archne withholding a juice box, a subtle display of Capitol cruelty.

I hold up the vibrant, colorful dress, the embodiment of Capitol excess, and approach Lucy cautiously. "I understand the divide, Lucy. This is all I can offer, and it's meant to be a symbol, a performance that might sway sponsors. It's not meant to diminish your struggle."

Lucy eyes the dress with a mix of disdain and curiosity, her gaze lingering on the luxurious fabrics. Yet, in this tense moment, there's an unspoken acknowledgment that our fates are entwined, if only momentarily, in the complex dance of survival and privilege in the Capitol.

"It's quiet, colorful" she says looking at the fabric.

"It'll be perfect for your performance, you have to sing." Coriolanus says while locking eyes with her.

As Lucky exclaims over Lucy's unexpected gift, he approaches us with an air of excitement, camera in hand. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Lucy Grey's got herself a dress! This is big news, folks!" he declares, directing his words to the camera.

Coriolanus, quick on his feet, steps forward to answer the inevitable questions about the designer. "It's a special creation from Vendetta, a rising talent in the Capitol's fashion scene."

Lucky, sensing a scoop, probes further, "Vendetta, you say? Tell us more about this mysterious designer."

Coriolanus, perhaps feeling the tension, seizes the opportunity to shift the focus. "Actually, Lucky, let me introduce you to the creative mind behind Vendetta – Cordelia Hawkridge."

A sudden spotlight falls on me, and I find myself at the center of the conversation. Trying to navigate the awkward moment, I chime in, "Oh, well, you know, Lucy is such a beautiful girl, and she deserves something special for her performance. I just wanted to contribute in my own way."

Lucky, not one to let an opportunity slip, continues, "Cordelia, the viewers want to know – how did you come up with the design?"

Feeling the pressure, I manage a smile, "It's all about capturing Lucy's essence. She's a stunning girl, and I wanted the dress to reflect her strength and beauty."

Lucky, still hungry for details, presses, "And the name Vendetta, what inspired that?"

Caught off guard, I stumble for a moment before answering, "Well, it's about making a statement, you know? Taking a stand and leaving a mark. Lucy is doing that in her own way, and Vendetta aligns with that spirit."

The conversation hangs in an awkward balance, the unspoken tension lingering between the Capitol's fascination with spectacle and the stark realities faced by the tributes.

In this unexpected moment, Vendetta becomes a name intertwined with both the Capitol's glamour and the tributes' struggle for survival.

Lucky, sensing an opportunity for a dramatic twist, turns the conversation toward the looming Hunger Games. "Cordelia, the... holy cow uh...the viewers are wondering – have you decided if Lucy will be your winner?"

I take a moment, choosing my words carefully. "Well, Lucky, the Hunger Games are unpredictable, and Lucy has the strength to make a mark. I'll be cheering for her, of course."

The camera pans to Lucy, who wears a mix of skepticism and gratitude on her face. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Coriolanus steps forward, adding his own perspective. "Cordelia and I are both here to support Lucy. It's not about winners and losers; it's about surviving the Games."

Lucky, seizing the narrative, continues to probe, "So, are you saying you'll be supporting both Lucy and Coriolanus, Ms. Hawkridge?"

I nod, "Absolutely. The Hunger Games are a harsh reality, and I want to be a source of support for both of them. Vendetta stands for resilience and the strength to face whatever comes their way."

Coriolanus, despite his usual stoic demeanor, chimes in, "We're all in this together. Lucy and I both appreciate Cordelia's support, and we'll face the challenges as a united front."

"How nice of you to contribute," Lucy's says.

He looks at his producer who comes into frame and whispers to him. "Over a million viewers tuned in tonight, and most of them came for Vendetta. A record-breaking Hunger Games!"

Despite the atmosphere, Lucky shifts gears, acknowledging the captivating allure of Vendetta. "Cordelia Hawkridge, How about an exclusive interview about your boutique?

In the midst of the chaos, the sharp, unmistakable sound of shattering glass cuts through the air like a sudden, unexpected crack. It reverberates through the space, disrupting the already tense atmosphere.

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