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Stepping into the boutique, I immerse myself in the familiar world of fabrics and designs. The phone's persistent ringing disrupts the creative serenity, and I reluctantly pick up, navigating through inquiries about Vendetta. The buzz around our brand seems to be growing, and it's both exciting and overwhelming.

As I focus on my designs, Philomena enters the shop with a purposeful stride. She searches for me amidst the colorful fabrics and patterns, and when she finds me, her expression holds a mix of seriousness and anticipation.

"Cordelia, I need to talk to you," she says, beckoning me to step away from the worktable.

My mind races, wondering if it's about the recent designs I've poured my heart into. "Is it about the sketches?" I ask, eager and a bit anxious.

Philly's eyes light up with approval. "Oh, those designs are incredible, Cordelia. I can't wait to see them come to life. No, this is something different. Come, let's sit," she gestures towards a quiet corner.

As we settle into a conversation, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about what Philly has to share. The growing success of Vendetta seems to be bringing new opportunities, and I brace myself for the next chapter in our journey.

In the midst of the buzzing boutique, Philomena pulls me aside with a twinkle in her eyes, a stark contrast to the serious tone I anticipated. She casually mentions the promotion of Vendetta on the news, teasing that she already has a famous designer in her employ.

As she reveals the sheer volume of calls flooding in for Vendetta dresses, my heart swells with pride, only to be abruptly pulled back to reality. Philomena drops the unexpected bombshell – she's letting me go. The news hits me like a punch to the gut, and I can't fathom that someone I admired so much would sever our professional ties.

"I can't have the competition working for me," she says, her words sinking in like bitter medicine.

Devastated, I didn't expect the twist that follows. Philomena, instead of leaving me adrift, hands me a set of keys. I stare at them, refusing to believe this abrupt shift from employee to independent designer.

"You're going to need a place to succeed," she says, pushing the keys into my hand despite my initial resistance.

"No, Philly, I can't take this," I protest, my mind struggling to grasp the sudden turn of events.

Philomena insists, placing the keys firmly in my hand. She envelops me in a hug, and her words penetrate the fog of disbelief. "I see so much potential in you. Letting go of my kids was the hardest thing, but I want to see you become a designer."

As Philomena and I stand there, teary-eyed in the midst of this unexpected transition, she wraps up our conversation with a heartfelt sentiment. "Cordelia, it's been an absolute pleasure working with you. I've watched you grow into a remarkable designer, and I have no doubt you're destined for greatness."

Her words, filled with genuine warmth, wash over me like a comforting embrace. The weight of the keys in my hand suddenly feels like the keys to my dreams. Philomena continues, "Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. I'm here for you, always. And you know, I'll be cheering you on at the runways, both as a supporter and, of course, as your friendly competition."

A small smile plays on her lips as she envisions the potential rivalry, yet camaraderie, between us. In that moment, the boutique transforms into a space of transition and possibility, and I find solace in the unexpected mentorship that Philomena extends beyond the confines of our professional relationship.

"Thank you so much, Philly. For believing that I can do something like this." I say while wiping a tear from my cheek. She gives a teary smile and hands me a tissue.

"This is only your beginning dear, go on and make us proud" she says shooing me off in a loving manner.

I nod and make my way out the door of the boutique for the last time. Looking at the keychain I take note of the address and decide to go to Fabricia to tell Tigris. She was located 2 shops down from Philo.

The door bell dings as I make my way inside. I see Tigris getting lunch ready for that witch.

Fabricia notices me from her desk and shoots me a smile. That was rare considering she was a bitch.

As Fabricia reels from the revelation of Vendetta's success, her demeanor towards me shifts drastically. Suddenly, the respect she's showing is tangible, and she even floats the idea of a collaborative effort. "Ms. Hawkridge, I see Tina has explained my proposal to you."

However, my loyalty lies with Tigris, and I refuse to let Fabricia undermine her talent.

"I appreciate the offer, Fabricia, but Tigris and I are the designers for Vendetta," I assert firmly. The shock on Tigris's face is evident, but I can't let Fabricia belittle us. "We have officially closed the deal on our Boutique"

In response, Fabricia's pleasant facade crumbles, and she scoffs dismissively. "You and that girl will never be good enough. You're just playing at fashion."

Fueled by indignation, I square my shoulders and speak my mind. "Maybe, but we're doing it with heart and integrity. And that's more than I can say for someone who treats her interns like disposable pawns."

Tigris, still processing the unexpected turn of events, eventually gathers herself and makes a decision. "I quit," she declares, abandoning the unpaid internship with Fabricia. "Cordelia, I'm with you at Vendetta."

"You will regret this!" Fabricia yells angrily.

"That's what your mother did as soon as you came into the world. Goodbye you old had!" I yell while grabbing her lunch and heading toward the door.

As we leave Fabricia's place, a new chapter begins for Vendetta, and I can't help but feel a surge of pride for standing up for what matters most—loyalty, friendship, and the pursuit of our dreams.

"That was insane!" Tigris exclaims. "I can believe I quit. And that thing about the Boutique? Genius lie!l

I pause and turn to Tigris. I hold up the key in front of her. She looks at me in disbelief.

"It's real!" She yells.

"It's so real!" I squeal excited. Tigris screams in excitement and hugs me. "God, this is...I'm. ugh! This is so amazing"

Pulling away from the hug. "Let's go see it"

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