AS IF...

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I was deep into the rhythm of stitching when a faint knock echoed through my apartment. Surprised, I set my needle down and made my way to the door. Opening it, I found Coriolanus Snow standing there, an unexpected visitor.

His piercing eyes met mine, "Cordelia, may I come in?"

I hesitated, studying his face for any hint of an ulterior motive. "What brings you here, Coriolanus?"

He shifted uncomfortably, "I wanted to talk, if you have a moment."

Curiosity and caution warred within me, but I stepped aside, allowing him entry. As he walked into my small living space, the air seemed to carry a tension, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities between us.

The air in the room was thick with unspoken words and lingering tension as Coriolanus and I exchanged glances. The intimate atmosphere almost led us to the brink of a moment, a precipice that felt inevitable. Our eyes locked, and the distance between us seemed to shrink.

A quiet beep from the kitchen disrupted the charged atmosphere, and I broke eye contact, busying myself with pouring the tea. The familiarity of the routine felt like a lifeline, a way to avoid diving into the uncharted territory that lay between us.

"So, Cordelia," Coriolanus began, his tone measured, "how are things at the boutique? Tigris mentioned the new shop."

I nodded, avoiding direct eye contact as I stirred my tea. "It's keeping us busy, to say the least. We're working on something big for the upcoming event."

He leaned back, studying me carefully. "You're handling it well, considering the circumstances."

A wry smile formed on my lips. "Well, life is full of punches, isn't it?"

Our conversation danced around the unspoken, but as he left that evening, a lingering tension hovered in the air, promising the possibility of a connection that refused to be ignored.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" I ask breaking the silence. He nods his head and I scurry into the kitchen.

The tension in the room intensified as Coriolanus's words hung in the air, creating an almost palpable silence. I stood frozen in the kitchen, clutching the coffee mug tightly in my hands,

As I returned to the living room, I handed him the cup with a forced smile, trying to mask the surprise that lingered in my eyes. Coriolanus took a sip, his gaze unwavering.

"I've been thinking," he began, his voice measured, "about us. I know the games are approaching, and everything is uncertain, but... I would like to date you."

The revelation hung in the air, an unspoken question that lingered between us. For a moment, I struggled to find my voice, grappling with the unexpected turn of events.

"Coriolanus, I..." I started, but my words faltered. The gravity of the situation sank in, the impending Hunger Games casting a shadow over any budding romance.

He nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and determination. "I know it's not the ideal time, and I don't want to complicate things. But after the games, when everything settles, I want to know if there's a chance for us."

I took a deep breath, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the room. "Let's see what the future holds, then," I replied cautiously, a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity in my tone.

The unspoken understanding lingered, and as we continued our conversation, the impending games cast a shadow over any budding romance, leaving us in a delicate dance of emotions, torn between desire and the harsh realities of their world.

"How are the games going?" I ask Coryo. He looks very tired.

Coriolanus leaned back, cup in hand, and let out a heavy sigh. "You know, Cordelia, these games... they're a brutal dance of survival. I've been strategizing, planning every move, but it feels like walking on a tightrope with no safety net."

As he shared the weight of his thoughts, I could sense the vulnerability beneath his usually composed exterior. "I have to win, for my family, for everything we've worked for," he continued, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and weariness.

"I understand," I responded, choosing my words carefully. "It's a harsh reality, and you're doing what you can to navigate through it. But remember, amidst all this, there are still moments of humanity we can't forget."

He nodded, acknowledging the truth in my words. "I'm doing what I must, Cordelia. For everyone who depends on me. It's just... sometimes, I wonder at what cost."

We delved into a conversation about the complexities of their lives, about the delicate balance between ambition and morality. As we spoke, an unspoken understanding lingered – a shared acknowledgment of the harsh world they were navigating together.

"Maybe I don't quite comprehend," I admit, tearing my gaze away from the sewing machine.

He circles around, positioning himself behind me. There's an air of contemplation around him as his hands gently rest on my shoulders. "What are you willing to do for this?"

"For what?" I seek clarification.

"Tigris and you, all buddy-buddy now. But what if Tigris decides to alter the course, or you find yourselves at odds?"

"The chances of that are minimal," I argue.

"But it's not zero; it could happen," he presses. "What you're constructing, Cor, it's not just a dream; it's a business."

"And when it comes down to it, would you sacrifice everything you've built for a friendship?" he questions. "Those are the costs I'm willing to bear."

"Are you willing to lose good people for your own benefit?" I counter, frowning. "That sounds rather selfish."

"A hero sacrifices himself, but a villain watches the world burn," he quotes, adding, "I'd burn the world to see you in the middle of it."

"That's a romantically ambiguous thing to say," I point out. "I think I'd prefer to extinguish it."

"I know," he replies, removing his hands. "That's precisely why we make a pair."

"I'll leave you to your duty," he announces with a grin. "You have a significant day ahead tomorrow."

Tomorrow marks the opening day for Vendetta, and it's hard to believe it's finally happening. Coriolanus heads towards the door, grabbing his coat. "You'll do great tomorrow; you always do."

"I'm not scared."

"Your eyes might deceive others, but not mine. Get some rest," he advises, closing the door behind him. I'm left there, stunned by his sudden departure.

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