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"How are you feeling?" I inquire, standing by Coriolanus' bed in the medical wing.

"It's late, you shouldn't be outside," he protests, attempting to rise from the bed. I gently tap him to encourage him to lie back down, but he persists in sitting up.

"Coryo, you're going to hurt yourself!" Tigris exclaims from her chair, concern etched on her face. Sejanus enters the room promptly.

"I'm only sore," Coriolanus insists, displaying his trademark stubbornness.

"Four stitches from what I can see and a potentially injured foot," I note, examining his injuries. "This ain't it, chief."

"They should just cancel this Hunger Games nonsense. It's inhumane," Tigris argues passionately.

"Lucy Gray," Coriolanus begins, "she could've left, but she saved me. This Is humanizing them."

"Good for you and for her," I say sarcastically, my worry seeping into my words. "You're still crippled."

"I hate to agree, but she's right," Sejanus comments from the side. "You're not in a condition to be up and about."

"And isn't the whole definition of humanity just being part human?" I ask, looking at Coriolanus. He doesn't reply, contemplating my words. Sejanus, perhaps sensing the need for a change in topic, decides to switch gears.

Despite the lingering tension, I decide to shift my focus to the successful opening of Vendetta.

"It was incredible," I reply, a faint smile breaking through the concern on my face. "People were swarming in, and the pieces were flying off the shelves. The response was beyond what we expected."

Sejanus nods, acknowledging the accomplishment. "That's great to hear. You're making a name for yourselves."

Tigris, still worried about Coriolanus, chimes in, "Cordelia handled the crowd like a pro. It was like watching a maestro conduct an orchestra."

I chuckle at her analogy, grateful for the diversion. "We'll have to figure out how to manage the influx of customers, though. Maybe implement a reservation system or expand the store size."

Coriolanus, though obviously in discomfort, manages a half-smile. "Always thinking ahead. That's very Hawkridge of you."

The conversation continues, weaving through discussions of Vendetta's success and the challenges of managing a burgeoning business. Despite the concerns for Coriolanus, the camaraderie of the moment provides a brief respite from the grim reality of the Hunger Games.

The TV screen flickers to life, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. Lucy Gray takes the stage, clad in the stunning Vendetta dress, and begins to sing, her voice echoing through the arena and reaching millions of viewers.

Cordelia, captivated by Lucy's performance, can't help but compliment her singing. "She's incredible. The dress looks perfect on her," I say, my eyes fixed on the screen.

Tigris and Sejanus share a glance, both visibly moved by the haunting melody. Even Coriolanus, who seemed out of sorts, appears to be quietly affected by the raw emotion in Lucy's performance.

As Lucy finishes her song, Lucky appears on screen, his charisma evident. "Ladies and gentlemen, not only is Lucy Gray the epitome of talent, but she's also adorned in the latest fashion from Vendetta," Lucky announces, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

The TV screen splits to show both Lucy and Lucky, with Cordelia and Sejanus absorbing the unexpected acknowledgment. Coriolanus, his mind elsewhere, struggles to grasp the impact of the televised moment.

"This is her first and, unfortunately, last performance," Lucky adds, delivering the news that casts a somber shadow over the room.

Cordelia, feeling a mix of pride and sorrow. The reality of Lucy's fate sinks in, leaving the room heavy with unspoken emotions.

"She's going to pull through," I say with a hopeful smile, trying to reassure Coriolanus, who's attempting to get up.

"I have to go," he insists, determination etched on his face. "She helped me, I owe her."

"Maybe you owe her tomorrow, but for now, you're staying in bed," Tigris protests, crossing her arms in a protective manner.

"You should get some rest," I suggest, nodding in agreement with Tigris. "I'm heading home."

"I'll walk you," Sejanus offers with a friendly smile. I meet Coriolanus's gaze, and finally, he nods.

"That would be really nice, thank you," I respond with an appreciative smile. Tigris seems quite amused in the corner, likely recalling my previous comments about Sejanus being cute.

"Goodnight, Tigris. Coriolanus," I say, grabbing my bag from the small medical table, ready to head home.

Sejanus and I tread through the streets of the Capitol. The cold air nips at us, and the lack of light in the area adds an eerie feel to the atmosphere.

"Your family business..." Sejanus starts.

"Are they also pressuring you?" I interject, cutting him off.

"Of sorts. I think my dad is more focused on money than his children," he confesses. "You're lucky your parents supported Vendetta."

"They haven't put a dime in that place. Philomena actually helped me," I say, a touch of bitterness in my voice. "It hurts, you know? Parents not supporting."

"I'm sorry if I sound like a privileged moron..."

"No, you do not," he cuts me off. I lock eyes with him and nod my head, not really believing him.

"You're a very smart and creative person, Cordelia," he starts off by saying. "You're not a moron."

"You didn't say 'privileged,'" I mutter under my breath. He laughs at the retort.

"I could never go against my parents like that; it takes guts," he says with honesty. "You're 20 and already have a clothing shop. Who does that?"

"Shut up, Sej. You're like the most intelligent person I know," I say, deflecting his compliment.

"Maybe in class," he says. "But out here? You've got the skills—I mean, how the hell do you just know what to say?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"My father spoke about you," he confesses. "He mentioned you got lucky to sponsor the brand and did it all by networking."

"Talking to people is my thing, I guess," I say. "I have ideas in my head, and when I want people to believe in them, I am passionate about explaining concepts."

"Lucy's dress was conceptual," I say, explaining. "It's irony. Death is dark, but she is light. It also makes her seem interesting."

"That's very beautiful," he says with a smile. I see the manor up ahead, and as we reach it, I turn to him.

"Thank you for walking me home," I express my gratitude.

"It's my pleasure," he says with a smile. He was always so bubbly, so unlike Coriolanus, who was always an ass.

"I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight," I say and head inside.



If you're wondering why I lowkey didn't upload chapters. Uh, long story short I was in a school shooting.

I am good physically, maybe not in the best mental state but that's expected after running for your life when a man is after you with a gun.


If this hasn't encouraged you to check out my book "Witches Howl" plz do!


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