it's time to go (5 years before)

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"...leaving. We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever."

Toothless looked him, not caring much for his words as he continued to to run around the little cove he has been living in for awhile.

'Him' was a scrawny, weak, disappointing viking who wasn't much of one when he couldn't even pick up an axe. He went by Hiccup, as he was a accident that only grew into a problem. He was expected to kill a dragon and become the next great chief of Berk. But he couldn't, why? Because he had done what no other viking on Berk has, befriended a dragon, and not just any dragon, the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, a Night Fury.

Hiccup was tired, tired of having to lie to his village, his so called friends, his father, but most of all, his was tired of lying to himself. He knew that he wasn't the strongest or best-looking viking, or the ,most liked, but what he did know was that if he really wanted to live, he had to leave. He didn't know where to go, but as long as it was somewhere far away from where he was standing, he knew he can make the life he wanted and deserved.

In a little sack, he packed some of his belongings. Some pencils, books, paper and a small dagger which he hand-crafted himself.

Toothless looked at Hiccup, not really understanding why he had such a glum look on his face.

Hiccup thought about every snarky comment made about him, how he was such a disappointment to his father, and that no one will ever love him. He had no real family here, so why did he need to stay? With a sigh, he loaded his bag onto the back of Toothless and in a split second decision, dropped the dagger onto the ground.

He won't deny it thought, these last few weeks have been the greatest he's ever lived, and he had Toothless to thank for that.

With his understanding of dragons, he was able to pass every test without having to harm an actual dragon. But because of that, he had been given the privilege of killing the Monstrous Nightmare dragon in front of his entire village.

He couldn't do that. And so he needed to leave. He won't miss anything there, and no one would miss him.

With one final look at the cove, he boarded Toothless and they flew far away from Berk and all the bad memories that stayed there.


I had this entire plot planned out in my head but thinking it is easier than actually having to type it all out. I've decided to fck everything and just go with the flow so, ill post when i feel like it and from now on, everything published will stay.
anyways, heres a few things i want to address because y not;

1. hiccstrid will happen in this book however tho, alot of fanfics ive red have made astrid and hiccup so in love with eachother, like theres no slow burn. from all 3 movies and extra series, hiccstrid has had one of the best on-screen romances as they communicate and have a relationship built on years of understadning. many writers have written astrid in a sort of weak way (NO OFFENCE, IM SORRY IF IVE OFFENDED U) but she has always been seen as the strong woman we have watched and grown up with. so they will NOT be falling in love with eachither at first sight and i have planned for hiccup to have a few relationships because lets be honest, a hottie like him can pull

2. im trying to line up my story with canon events but there will obviously be some mishaps
3. stoick will not die because he gets his redempation arc long enough to see his first set of grandkids

4. there will not be any crossovers what so ever. i hate hate HATE it when elsa, rapunzel, jack or merida are mentioned in a httyd fic. im sorry but just because they r all from the same producation doesnt mean they will all interact with eachother.its also just so weird. respectfully tho, i will not hate on YOU for liking those sort of strories and the "big four" or whatever theyre called

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