the choice

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After the events from yesterday, the  Berk was still left shaken, not knowing whose side they'll join. 

Stoick called for a meeting, where everyone was expected to meet in the great hall at midday. Snotlout and the gang weren't sure what was to be announced, but they knew whatever the final decision was, it wouldn't be good.

"I've gathered you all here today, to acknowledge the attack on our island yesterday, and the choice I've spent hours choosing from. I have met Drago before, he is a sick and violent viking. At a chief meeting with some neighboring isles, Drago had attacked the location we were all present at and killed every one there, me and some of the other men were lucky enough to have made it out alive, and I thank Thor for that." Stoick said, speaking his sadness

"No matter what his intentions are, to erase a continent or be a supreme leader to all, he will not keep  any promises on whether or not he will keep us all safe. And I know about our long end war with the dragons, but for the sake of everyone, I believe we should ally ourselves with the riders" 

At the announcement of that, many men and women burst into angry scrabbles, arguing that his choice is wrong. 

"ALLYING OURSELVES WITH THOSE SO CALLED HEROES WHO RIDE DRAGONS IS MASS SCRUTINY" One extremely angry viking yelled, many nodded their heads in agreement at the statement

"What about our children? They can not fend for themselves in the midst of a war!" A pregnant lady yelled, holding her hump and children close to her body. 

A hand was brought down hard on a table, and it caught everyone attention. 

"You know what I think?" Snotlout yelled, 

"I think that Stoick has led us all trhough the good and bad, and I for one will stand with him until his dying days, now you can all choose the side where you live, or you can all choose the side where you slaughter your own brothers and sisters" 

Stoick looked at Snotlout, proud of his words 

"Yeah, I agree!!" Goober exclamied

"AYE!" Spitelout yelled too, and suddenly words of agreement an encouragement rang throughout the room, knowing they've made their final choice. 

"I guess it's settled then" 

"But are we gonna do now? When Drago comes back and finds out that we've chosen not to side with him, he will slaughter the village" Astrid bravely asked

"This is the plan," Stoick said. " We leave Berk before he comes back. We seek refuge in the dragon riders lair, and we tell them we are on their side" 

"But we don't even know where they leave? Ruffnut said

"I think I do" Fishlegs quietly mumbled

"Speak up, boy" Stoick said

"I think I know where they live, or at least a person who does" 

"Give us a straight answer" Snoutlout asks

"Well, the water isn't frozen over anymore, so we can send word out to Trader Johan as he's been everywhere, and the last time he came here he, uh, said something about a dragons edge where all the riders live?" He said back in a questionable tone. 

"It's settled then, every one start packing only the valuables. Leave anything you don't need behind, and we will contact the riders through Johan."

Every one quickly ran back to their houses, stuffing all their items into a bags. 

The gang, as well as Stoick, Gobber and Spitelout wrote out the letter to correspond to Johan, and sent it hoping it would reach him in time. 

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