short introductions

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The walk to the village wasn't a long one. On the way, Hiccup put his face helmet on and adjusted to his suit so he wouldn't come off as intimidating. Heather redid her hair into a braid crown, and Eret put on an extra coat to fend off the winter breeze. 

As they walked, they made sure to be quiet. They passed by vibrant plants, and a few exotic insects such as a flower spider, which was a crimson red color, and had 10 legs on each side.

"Are we nearly there yet? I swear that fucking spider looked me up and down like I'm it's next dinner" Eret said, feeling shivers crawl up his leg. 

Hiccup chuckled lightly as they began to see the clear of the village.

"Remember the plan guys, find Stoick, talk to him about getting the entire village back to the edge, you guys will then help everyone out while Stoick and I talk about some other things."

"And when you mean, other things, what you really mean is you threatening him to not harm any dragons and to keep his part of the deal held." Heather proclaimed

"It's not really threatening him, more reminding him that if any one lays a hand on any of the dragons, I will slice said persons hand right off, bury a spear right down their throats and feed their decaying bodies to the dragons."

A tiny bit disturbed, the two other riders didn't question it, knowing they'd say and do the same thing.

The three walked up a concrete path, where the village came into view. Small huts lay side by side on uneven hills, the sky was a smoky and sad grey. Each hut was two stories high, and patches of dead grass surrounded the edge of the huts. Some huts looked empty, like no one was living in them, their roofs broken, and the wood fading into a light brown colour.

The trio passed by some villagers, a few children who were playing hide and seek. Hiccup's forest green eyes scanned them over, they looked like they haven't eaten in days. The children stopped their game, and looked  at the riders with intense fear. Hiccup slowly reache into one of his small satchels that he brought with him, and pulled out a couple of bright, red apples before tossing them to the group of kids. They still looked scared, but one of them, who looked around to be 15 years old, slowly bit into the fruit, its juices dripping down his jaws as he savoured the flavour. The others followed, biting into the apples and smiling brightly before they all ran off to their own homes.

Heather and Eret were already ahead of Hiccup, so he did a little jog to catch up to them.

They reached the forge, where an oversized man with a long, blonde mustache was busy melting down some metals.

Eret cleared his throat in order to grab the forgers attentions.

"Can you help us find the chief of your village" Heather asked before Eret could say anything. Hiccup was quiet, as he took in the person who was standing in front of him. The man turned around so he faced the group, and Hiccup felt deep in his stomach, absolute regret and pain.

Startled at the trio, the forger jumped a little, causing some of the objects around him to clatter.

"It's you!!" He said, surprised, "You're the Dragon Riders!" he pointed to each of them, with his hooked hand.

"Yes, and we need to find your chief now"

"Aye, I'm Gobber," he stammered a little, "Uh, welcome t-t-t-to Berk. As you can see the vi-" He was cut off by Hiccup, who had his hand raised, palm up towards Gobber's face.

"Introductions later, just take us to Stoick" Hiccup said, his voice stern

"Aye, aye" was all Gobber managed to say back as he led the riders to the main meeting hall.

As they climbed up the rocky steps, Hiccup became more aware of his surroundings. The air was damp with loss and indecision, the sky smokey and grey. He noticed that there was rubble, wood and other broken bits of buildings scattered every where.

"Where are the rest of the villagers? On our way here, we've only encountered some children and you" Eret finally asked, curiosity building iniside of him

"After the attack, most couldn't sleep in their huts as there was to much destruction. Alas, we have no money to provide the village with food and other nessacities, so naturally they have no strength to repair their homes, as well as our entire village. We try to ration our last supplies, giving them to those who need it the most, mothers, elders and the children. Us men eat whatever we can."

"That doesn't even answer my answer"

Gobber didn't reply, as they reached the large stone walls of the meeting hall. He knocked five times, before the doors slowly opened, and inside, the entirety of Berk was crammed in every nook and cranny.

omg, i've finally updated!!! sorry this took to long, im currently procrastinating instead of doing actual work, and so i decided to upload this. trying to post more often but atar is killing me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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