forever winter (tv)

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3 weeks later

Berk was now covered entirely in snow. From the roofs of huts, to the back of sheep, the island was now a winter wonderland. 

Snotlout was due to come of age in a week time. And he was running out of time to find himself a wife. 

The village was starting low on resources, and they  didn't have much gold either. The problems on Snotlout's back became bigger and bigger, and he wasn't sure how much more he can carry. 

As snow glistened as fell from the sky, children played with one another as they lay absent minded of the situation many of their parents faced.

Astrid was in the training area, once abandoned from the killing zone of dragons and now turned into a make shift gym. She swung her axe at some logs, destroying them in the process. She was angry, she had just come from her parent's house, and they've informed her that she was to be married off to some random guy from a neighboring isle.

Her anger kept rising and rising, and so she kept causing demolition to the objects that surrounded her. After some time she began to cool down, and all her anger fizzed into hopelessness, she's been training her entire life to be a shield-maiden, someone little girls can look up to. She kept her reputation up by doing what she did best, fighting. She has been doing it all her life, and now her parents think it's just okay to throw it all away so they can have grandchildren. What she did to build her future was now gonna be torn down by one stupid marriage agreement. She walked to a nearby wall and slid down to the ground, curling up in a ball of depression. She wasn't even 20 yet and she knew she still had so much left to do.

She sat there on the floor, and began to cry. She cried her heart out, for the freedom she lost and for herself, because all her parents ever saw her was a an item, something to be bought off to the highest bidder. 

After while of her cry-fest, Astrid had gotten off the cold floor, and went to the dining hall for some food. She made should to wipe all her tears away, because a warrior never cries.

As she walked up the concrete stairs, she felt the shoulders of Snotlout brush hers. 

"Long day, huh?" Snotlout asked her, just as tired and mad

She gave no verbal reply and only shook her head in agreement

They walked through the big doors together, and found a table where Fishlegs and the twins were already sitting at, feasting on a small meal.  

Snot and Astrid took a seat, and they all ate in silence, each having a problem, each to scared to admit it. Despite their talk awhile ago, and despite them all knowing each other for quite some time now, they still have difficultly when communicating with one another. 

None of them mind eating in silence, they all knew that when the time is right, they'd speak, but right now they were all very comfortable with the solidarity they've been given. 

Dragon's Edge

It was snowing on the edge, unlike on Berk, the winter weather was merry, as it started to settle in. 

Hiccup was on his usual flight with Toothless, Heather was in her room reading and Eret was with Valka discussing some battle plans in the main room. 

"They're starting to attack the northern regions, its only a matter of time before they get to us" Valka stated, fear in her voice

"Drago and his army won't defeat us, we have dragons, but we need to start planning how to save all the innocents about to be slaughtered." Eret said back

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