travel and trouble

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They've been in flight for an hour now. The dragons weren't tired yet, and the weather wasn't below freezing. For extra warmth, they all opted for fur covers. 

They continued the flight, making small talk every now and then, when Heather asked Hiccup what Berk was like. 

"I can't really remember, I guess it was sad? Everyone was always angry at one another."

"Are you gonna reveal to them you are?" Eret asked, pulling the coat over his bear chest closer.

"No, I'm going to wear my flight suit helmet and it should cover my entire face. I don't think they'll recognize my voice, so I'll be fine" 

"Are you all right, Hiccup?"

"Yeah, just so pumped to be back at Berk" He said sarcastically, raising his right fist in the air weakly. 

He knew that if any one on Berk found out his true identity, it wouldn't end well. He faked his death for Thor's sake. 

"Do you miss him, your father?" Heather asked, not wanting to be nosy, just curios

"No, not really" Hiccup answered quietly, done with all of them questions.

No one spoke for the rest of the flight, until they reached a small island that was uninhabited. No snow covered the island, and it was small. 

The three riders set camp up, for the day was half way done. Their dragons played with each other, tackling like little children.

Heather started to prepare dinner, smoked fish and some greens, while Eret roamed the island in case they were mistaken that no one or no dragon lived here.

Hiccup sat at the edge of the island, and started to draw it on his extendable map. Every time he's ventured off to a new place, he would draw the land in his map. The map now spanned the entire continent, and Hiccup was still exploring and discovering new places every day. 

"Guys, dinner is ready" 

The boys gathered around the mall fire that Eret made, and Heather passed around their plates. Hiccup gave the dragons raw fish and sat down beside his friends, all who looked very worried for him. 

"So, Hiccup, what's the plan? You know, for when we get there? It was meant to take less then a day to arrive  but I'm sure they won't mind, assuming they are aware that we are coming, right?" Heather asked, picking at the fish.

"Err, um, not exactly no" He responded, unsure

"Not exactly no what?"  She asked, even more worried

"No, they don't know we're coming"

"Well, this should be a pleasant visit" Eret interrupted, sensing that there was building tension. 

"Look, we are doing them a favor, I don't understand why going to Berk our self would cause an even bigger problem. We are escorting them to the Edge, keeping them safe, in return they're siding with us because they're all cowards with egos bigger than their weight" Hiccup huffed out, anger burning inside of him

"A favor? Hiccup this is the island where you were born! Where your mother was born, where your mother got married, where you were raised for the first 15 years of your life!! You're so much better than that. I get that you didn't have the greatest childhood but that doesn't mean you have to be so ignorant about it all" She snapped back

"How am I being ignorant? You don't understand how horrible it was for me growing up there! My father thinks I'm dead! He never once showed me any love, no hugs, no birthday greetings, not even a present under the tree during Snoggletog! So forgive me if I'm not exactly happy about this and if I seem petty!" And with that Hiccup got up and went to his tent, leaving Eret uncomfortable and Heather feeling bad.

"I think I should be heading off to sleep, um, night Heather"  Eret said, stretching his limbs before walking away from her.

Heather was left feeling ever so guilty, why did she have to rile him up? She put the fire out, and went off to sleep, her dreams becoming nightmares.

The next morning camp had been put away, the dragons were fed and packed, the riders were not talking to one another since last nights events, and every one was tired. 

They left the island as the sun was still rising up, and were bound to arrive at Berk in less than five hours. 

Heather tried talking to Hiccup but he ignored her. He walked right past to her to Toothless, and wouldn't even look her in the eye. 

Eret watched their lovers squabble in confusion, wouldn't a simple 'sorry' fix every thing? He shook his head, and once they were all in the air, they continued their flight onwards to Berk. 

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