the letter

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After the cry fest, everyone finished their meals and decided to go to sleep. Freya would sleep in a spare bed at Heather's until they can make her, her own hut. 

As Hiccup was walking back to his place with Toothless, a Terrible Terror perched itself on his shoulder, with a letter in mouth. 

"Hey there little fella" Hiccup said, taking the note. He gave the little dragon some food before setting him down in the pens. 

Hiccup opened the letter and red it, not believing his eyes. It was a letter from Berk, and in it, Stoick, yes Stoick, had written to the dragon riders asking for assistance in defeating Drago Bludfist. 

He ran fast to Valka's hut, letter in his hand and Toothless trailing behind him. It seems no one could catch one moment of peace around here.

"MUM, MUUUUM" Hiccup yelled, banging on the door.

"Hiccup, are you all right, dear? It's just early night"

"You need to look at this" He said, handing her the paper

She took it from him and red frantically by the expression of his face.

"A letter? From Berk???"

"They've not only been attacked by Drago, but they've been given 2 choices, side with him or with us, and they chose us"

"It says here they have a week before he comes back, I'd assume that when they tell him no, he'd kill them all" Valka cried out. She's been away from Berk for so long now, every one there thinks she'd died. She missed some of her old friends dearly, but Stoick, how she longed for him. All these years away from him have taken a heavy toll on her, but when CloudJumper took her away that one fateful night, she thought it'd be the best to never return. She never in her wildest dreams imagine she'd reunite with her son, but here they were. 

"Read the end, they say they've asked Trader Johan directions to where the edge is located because they don't plan on staying the week for Drago to come back."

"How are we meant to keep them all here? An entire village that kills dragons, on an island where dragons live!??!" 

"I don't know, mum, but what I do know is that we need to help them." Hiccup didn't think he'd return to Berk either. When he left 5 years ago, he left with the intention that he wouldn't have to go back, but he knows that he needs to.

"Me, Heather and Eret will fly early morning to Berk tomorrow . You can come with us if you want, unless you feel uncomfortable and would rather stay here, maybe helping set up the far east side of the Edge for them to camp?" He asked his mother in a questionable tone

"Yes, I think I'll do that. Just be careful Hiccup. Go find Johan first and ask him for help with transportation"

Hiccup nodded in agreement and went to find the others. 


It was the crack of dawn, Hiccup and the riders were packing some stuff on their dragons. Toothless was slightly irritated that they had been woken up early but he didn't bother to nudge Hiccup in annoyance. 

Heather and Eret were saying their goodbyes to Valka and Freya, who was playing with Windshear. 

"Be safe and careful, it should take you all less than a days ride to get to Berk, and if they are coming back here by boat, three days. No longer" She told them, each giving them a tight hug. 

She kissed Hiccup on his forehead and held on to him tightly.

Freya was still weak, but had been moving around lately. She would help set up the camp site with Valka, though she wanted to go with Hiccup and ride the dragons. 

"Bye guys" Hiccup said as he boarded Toothless. The others followed pursuit and they flew up, nervous, scared and hopeful. 

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