berk broken

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Berk, twelve days North of hopelessness, and a few degrees South of freezing death.

Everyone who lives here was always angry, at their neighbor, their mother or father, even at themselves. They would bicker and argue, fight and wrestle, but never did they once admit they were wrong or even say sorry.

Every since Hiccup's "death" 5 years ago, the isle hasn't been the same. Hiccup's father, Stoick, fell into a deep depression and wouldn't come out of his hut for a solid 3 weeks straight. He blamed himself for the death.


"Hiccup, son" Stoick called out to the room, expecting Hiccup to be either asleep or drawing in his sketchbook. Stoick was a big man, his unruly, messy red beard braided. He bore a long, brown, fur cape and adorned a helmet on his head which was made from his past-wife's' metal breast plate.

When he got no reply, he sulked his way up to the room, and found it empty. His bed stripped from a blanket and all his drawing equipment gone. Confused and concerned, he figured that Hiccup was at the forge with Gobber.

When he got to the forge, he was welcomed by Gobber, the blacksmith. Hiccup used to always hang out there, with the one-legged and one-handed man as an apprentice. Hiccup has always felt that Gobber was more of a father to him then Stoick ever was. Gobber wore a brown fur vest, and like Stoick, had a helmet with two horns resting on his head (but his helmet wasn't made out of Valka's breastplate). His light blonde mustache was tied into a weird braid and his left hand was replaced with a hammer. His right foot now a wooden peg.

"Aye, Gobber, have you seen Hiccup around?" Stoick asked his friend, moving carefully around the forge as it was a very small space and he was a very big man.

"The lass is probably just messing around, nervous. YOu know how he can be, with the final test tomorrow I can imagine how overwhelmed he would be right now" Gobber replied, a metal face shield on as he welded some weapons together.

Stoick listened to Gobber and decided that Hiccup was probably out in the grassy parts of the island, burning off the fear in his system.

On his way back home, Stoick passed by the group of teenagers which consisted of the strong-headed Astrid; book smart Fishlegs; spawns of Loki, Ruffnut and Tuffnut and the ego filled Snoutlout, who is Hiccup's cousin.

Astrid looked mad as she sharpened the ax which was given to her by her mother. Astrid wore a grayish-blue tunic and had spiky metal shoulder pads. Her skirt was a light maroon and had skulls at the top, and more spikes covered the fabric. She had fur boots on and carried with her a little brown pouch on her right hip. She and Hiccup had never gotten along with each other, and she seemed to hate him even more as he won every dragon killing test. Despite his obvious pining for her, she never recuperated the feelings back, and jealousy drove her insane.

Fishlegs was overweight and wore a brown fur potato sack dress. He had on a tiny helmet and also wore fur boots. Out off all the teens on Berk, Fishlegs was the on that Hiccup was m,ost closest too, not that they were really friends anyway. For even though Fishlegs was a total obese oaf, who knew too much for his own good, he managed to hang out with Astrid and the other teens. This was because he was strong, he could help put out fires and throw weapons, all in which Hiccup could not.

The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, were both extreme pranksters, and would constantly cause chaos every step they took. Ruffnut wore a simple outfit, a yellow top and a brown skirt. She had a tooth necklace around her neck at all times, and can always be seen with her brother, Tuffnut. His attire was similar to Hiccups, a green tunic and brown pants. Like his sister, he had a necklace with a tooth on it too. Both twins had blond dreadlocks and a helmet with horns. Stoick looked at the two and saw their sinister smile creep upon their face.

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