a tour around hiccups body and island (present)

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It's been 5 whole years since Hiccup has last stood on Berk. He's now 20 years old, and has grown up into a hero for dragons.

His brown hair was a bit overgrown, his forest green eyes so dark and mysterious, he had grown a few inches taller and now only has one foot as he lost his left one in a heroic battle against the Red Death.

The Red Death was a dragon that controlled others to bring back food. The iconic duo discovered during a test flight. Hiccup knew that if the Red Death was gone, the dragons would stop attacking berk, and then no more dragons would be slained by the vikings. Hiccup and Toothless defeated the dragon before leaving Berk, and there hasn't been a dragon raid there since.

Hiccup now had muscles and a tight body. His 6 pack were showing a bit through his dragon suit, and he has developed strength from all the training his has done. His left leg was now replaced with a metal peg that helps him walk and connects to Toothless' tail fin, making it easier to maneuver during flights. His voice has deepen a bit, and he speaks with confidence.

He lives on a little island called the Dragon's Edge, and it was located far from any mainland. To get there is only possible by dragon, and any one who is an enemy has not made it past the thick fog surrounding the island. The island was covered in dark green grass, with tunnels in the inside for some dragons to nest in. There was some huts in the middle, just a couple for Hiccup and a few of his friends to reside in. There was a tall watch tower at the front of the land, and was connected to a zip line from the meeting room which was two-stories tall. There was a big pen for the dragons as well as a large feeding area. A training arena stood in the middle of all the buildings, with a large dome covered in impenetrable gronckle glass. one of the arena's walls were covered in a display of weapons including bombs and swords. There were metal shields and nets to the other side of the arena and fire-proof armor lay in a wooden cabinet near the weapons.

Hiccup smiled as he and Toothless had just come back from a morning flight on where they discovered a new isle that was deserted and not far from the edge.

"Look who's back from his little stroll" a black haired girl said to him as he got off Toothless in the pen.

Heather is someone Hiccup met during the 5 years. With her long black hair in a side braid, she has a ferocious personality, always speaking her mind and doesn't care what others think. Not being much of a social person, she tends to keep to herself and usually is found training in the arena. She wears a simple dress with some scales from her dragon as some shoulder pads.

"Hey Heather" Hiccup says to her as he kisses her softly on the cheek.

They've been dating for nearly two years now, and he hasn't been happier. She's amazing. She understands Hiccup in ways no one else has. They've had a few ups and downs, from near death experiences to their first proper kiss, Hiccup feels like he's found the one.

"You hungry? Eret made some lamb chops with some mint sauce which I think is just some grass and lemon in goats milk."

Eret, was one of Hiccup's friends. He was tall and had big strong muscles. He was named after his father, Eret and was previously a dragon hunter working for Drago. After capturing Hiccup during one his morning flights, the two have become close friends and Eret is now a dragon rider too. He wore a fur vest and brown pants.

"That sounds appeasing" He replies to her, smiling as they walk into the meeting room that also doubles as a dining area.

As well as Heather and Eret, a few other people live on the Edge too. All of them have felt neglected and chose to live here with Hiccup.

Someone who lived here that Hiccup cherished and loved so much, even more than Heather but not as much as Toothless is his mother, Valka. He thought she had died during a dragon raid when he was a little baby but oh was he wrong. The dragon that took her away was a Stromcutter which Valka has named Cloudjumper. She had been living in away from Berk until Hiccup stumbled upon her 2 years ago while running from some dragon hunters. They've reconnected and in the short time he has had her, she's acted a better parent than Stoick has ever had. Valka had long brownish-red hair in one braid down her back. She wore a fur suit and has become a mother to all.

Together, all the riders and the dragons have have stopped raids and wars from all over the globe. They've ventured out into the great unknown and have created quite a legacy.

As they walked to the meeting room, they past by some villagers and their dragons. The isle was buzzing with excitement and happiness as everyone here had everything they ever needed.

"You know, you go ahead, I'm gonna go to the forge and continue tinkering with the flight suit." He told her, his voice low.

"Is this gonna be one of those days where you're never seen because your too busy with your toys?" she said back to him, giggling a bit and trying to hide her smile

"This could be the next best thing, you know. Just a few more adjustments and it'll work"

"Sure, whatever you say, babe" Rolling her eyes but still giving him a peck on the lips

Yeah, life was nice, better than nice actually. But then why did it feel like something was missing?


hey lovelies, i hope uve enjoyed the story so far. Im actually a pretty bad writer and i cant tell if ive written too much or too little, so im trying to write more than 900 words per chapter. anyways, im really bad at descriptions so just imagine httyd2 hiccup but more muscular (not too muscular, just extremely fit and hot, eret looks like how he does in the 2nd movie too and same with Valka. Heather is taller and sort of wears the same outfit from rtte but she has a less oval shaped face.

final note is that the next chapter is from Berk and so ill introduce u to our beloved and og cast with my take on i

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