castles crumbling (tv)

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The dragon riders arrived in the island quickly, worried that they would be too late. And as soon as they stepped foot, they knew there was nothing they can do.

The island was covered in fires, thick black smoke in the air, and the screams of villagers engulfed in the flames.

Eret shook his head in guilt as Heather walked up to Hiccup to comfort him. 

"Help me" a small cried out in the distance. No one could hear it as they were swallowing their emotions. Toothless and a couple of the other picked up sound and started roaring, trying to catch their riders attentions

"Not now, Bud" Hiccup said, angry

"HELP ME" The very same voice yelled out, louder now

"Wait, Hiccup, I hear someone"

The dragons heard it again too and began chasing the voice down 

"I'M OVER HERE" The voice called out once more, coughing up smoke

All the riders followed the dragons as they tracked down the voice. 

"Over here!!" Someone says as they start to dig through the burning hut they found the voice in

With no hesitation, Hiccup dove into the flames, not caring if he got hurt, he knew he had to save whoever was trapped

"HICCUP" Heather and Valka cried out, despite knowing he's been through worse. Eret held both them back, and prayed Hiccup would escape the hut.

A couple of seconds and Hiccup still hasn't emerged as the roof of the hut came crashing down

AS the walls began to collide in, Toothless grew impatient and dove into the fire after Hiccup

No one could grab Toothless quick enough and they waited, the fear growing

Just then Toothless and Hiccup escape the hut as the entire hut came down, and in Hiccup's arms lay a small girl, no older than 11 wearing an old rag dress with her brown locks tangled in her face. She had burn marks all over her body and ash tattooed her skin.

"Is she breathing?" Heather asked frantically as Hiccup settled the girl down on the cool ground.

He proceeded to perform CPR on her, hands on her chest as he prayed she's alive.  

The small girl coughed after Hiccup pressed hard on her chest, and she fluttered her eyes open long enough to see a group of people and dragons surround her. Her aching body began to shut down, and she let the darkness consume her as she fell into a deep slumber.

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