The Experiments

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Taiga's point of view, two days later...

I heard wingbeats in the distance. Quickly turning my head towards the noise, I could recognize the dragon flying towards me from a distance as Magmatic, the dragon I had collided with a couple days ago, and the both of us lived to tell the tale. She was a strange dragon, but not unpleasant to be around. After what happened, we had quite a few questions, and we decided to answer those today by testing how our abilities interact. The location I picked was remote and free of plant life, perfect for our experiments.

A thud echoed through the air, marking Magmatic's arrival. She folded her wings with a happy expression and made her way towards me. With each step, her body bounced with excitement.

"Hi, Taiga!" Magmatic yelled so loudly it almost made me jump out of my scales. "It's good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too," I said, a little shaken up by her enthusiasm. "Are you ready to test our abilities?"

"Sure! I'd be happy to."

"So, I can do this thing where I spit out a glob of molten rock somehow, and it's really cool. You should give me something to shoot it at," she said.

I spat a puddle of frost onto the ground, raising it up. It formed into a small wall, perfect for a target. Magmatic's throat glowed brightly, and a lump began to form in it. She shot a ball of lava and molten rock at the wall of ice, and it smashed clean through. However, when it left lava behind, it wasn't melting the ice. I noticed this with a puzzled expression.

" isn't melting?" I asked. "That's...strange."

"Maybe your ice can't be melted," Magmatic suggested. "Let me try breathing fire on it." Magmatic took a deep breath and exhaled blue flames onto the ice before her, and yet, it didn't melt.

"Curious," I said. I walked around the sheet of ice, observing every little detail. There wasn't even a trace of fire or melting anywhere on its glossy surface.

"So...what would happen if you breathed frost at me while I breathed fire at you?" Magmatic stepped forwards, tilting her head. "Wanna give it a shot?"

"Sure," I responded, opening my mouth. "On three. One...two...three!"

I fired a blast of frost at Magmatic at the same time she fired a blast of fire at me. Our frost and fire collided in the air, and something dropped to the floor. It looked like chunks of ice, but they were burning. I picked one up to feel that it was warm to the touch, and it was indeed on fire.

"Well, what do you know?" Magmatic picked one up as well, shivering. It must feel cold to her. She examined the burning ice carefully. "Let's call it icefire."

I nodded, turning the substance in my claws. "What would happen if I stomped on it?"

I placed the icefire on the ground, raising up a leg. In one swift, powerful motion, I slammed my foot onto the icefire. It shattered, and a small wave of energy burst from under my foot. It felt as ferocious as fire, and as chilling as ice.

"Do you know what this means, Taiga?" Magmatic asked, staring at me. "We have a special ability we can use together!" She jumped up and down in excitement, almost like a little dragonet. I had to admit, it was kind of cute.

"Try shooting magma, and I'll breathe frost onto it. We may be able to use it as a projectile. I'll make another wall for you to shoot."


I created another wall of ice, and told Magmatic to shoot on my signal. When she did, I shot frost at her magma, striking it as it flew through its course. It seemed to turn into iceflame nearly instantly, and it crashed into the wall of ice. Suddenly, with a loud fwoosh, the iceflame ball exploded into...a fireball? An iceball? I don't know what to call it, but it's some combination of the two. Regardless, the look on Magmatic's face was delighted, and so was mine.

"Woah...did you see that?" Magmatic ran over towards me, diving at me and tackling me. Her warmth radiated across my scales, and it felt wonderful.

"I did. It was pretty cool, no pun intended." I smiled at her. It was hard to breathe with all of Magmatic's weight pressing against my chest, but I didn't mind.

"We have to try something else!" Her tail was wagging quickly, and it hit me a couple times.

I went to push her off of me, but went still when I heard the sound of rustling nearby. I held my breath to listen closely. It sounded like someone was moving around nearby, in the leaves of a tree. A RainWing, perhaps?

"We're not alone," I said quietly. Magmatic removed herself from my body and leaped to her feet. She looked around, growling softly. I stood up, listening as closely as I possibly could.

"Who's there?" Magmatic suddenly shouted, making me jump. "Sorry," she added when she realized that her shouting had scared me.

More rustling. For a moment, the sky in front of me looked...distorted. It had to be a RainWing. "Who are you?" I demanded. No answer.

"I'm not afraid to burn you to ashes," Magmatic threatened. "All it takes is one touch!"

The air once again looked distorted. "I am not your enemy," a voice said.

Magmatic noticed the spot where the sky was warped, and started to run towards it. I held my wing in front of her to stop her.

"Taiga, Magmatic. I have something very important to tell you." The voice hissed quietly. "I have seen the future, and I have a prophecy to share."

"But you're a RainWing!" I said, confused. "RainWings can't tell the future."

"But I can, Taiga." In the warped sky, purple began to bleed through. A shape slowly revealed itself. A RainWing with purple and orange scales. Its wings were starry, like a NightWing's. Something was off about this dragon.

"Wait, are you...?" Magmatic asked, before the dragon spoke again.

"A hybrid? Yes, I am. I was born with the ability to see the future, and I come with a warning."

"A warning?"

"It's nice to meet you, Taiga and Magmatic. You are the ones who can save this world from disaster. You may be our last hope. My name is Primrose. It's a pleasure to meet you."

That name sounds familiar...but she couldn't be the Primrose. The famous RainWing-NightWing explorer who was born on the faraway continent known as Solaria after her mother ran away with her egg. That couldn't be her...could it?

"I can see the doubt on your face, Taiga, and I assure you that I am the dragon you think I am." My thoughts were interrupted by the dragon speaking.

"'re real?" Magmatic asked, stepping forward. The dragon nodded in response.

"You have asked enough questions. It is time. I must reveal something to you. A prophecy that you must follow. If you cannot meet your fate, then the world as you know it may end."

Primrose stepped back, spreading her wings. She opened her mouth, and her eyes began to glow. Then, she began to speak in a voice nothing like her own...

Dun dun dun!
Hope you enjoyed! 🩵

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