The Prophet

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Magmatic's point of view

"Beware the Frostfire's chilling touch,
A raging force that's far too much.
Its power burns both hot and cold,
Its flame a threat to young and old.
Three brave dragons must unite,
To vanquish the Frostfire's blight.
With courage and resolve they'll fight,
To save their world from the Frostfire's might.
Through dark and shadow, they'll make their way,
Their journey fraught with peril and dismay.
But in the end, their strength will prevail,
And the Frostfire's evil spell will fail.
With valor and cunning, they will win the day,
And bring peace to the land, come what may.
Yet even in victory, the heroes must be wary,
For the Frostfire's power is never truly buried.
For as long as dragons roam the skies,
Its icy flames may rise, to their surprise.
But so long as there are hearts that burn bright,
The Frostfire's darkness... will never rule... the night."
The prophet choked out the last words painfully.

"That's...unnerving," Taiga said. He stared at Primrose carefully,who was now crouched down, holding her throat. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she responded weakly. Her breathing was fast and labored, like something had sapped the energy from her scales.

"What is this...Frostfire thing?" I asked curiously.

"There is a legend that says that one day, the sky will turn red, and the ground will be covered in ice. Fire will rain from the sky, and chilling winds will whip around the world. The land will become cracked, and the clouds will shroud the world in darkness. And it is up to you to learn more about it, and how to stop it. If you don't, the world may end.

"That's ominous," I said. "So, where do we start looking?"

"I am not certain," Primrose coughed. "I have had visions of an abandoned village, and a cave with writing on its walls. That is all I know."

"Well, that's not very helpful," Taiga said. "Tell us everything you know."

"The answer lies somewhere that has been vacant for thousands of years. I don't know what it means, but it sounds like it refers to ruins of some kind. The visions also speak of an ancient artifact, one that has the power to unite frost and fire. We may need it in our quest."

"Wait, wait, wait, OUR quest?" I asked haughtily. "What do you mean, our quest? Isn't this mine and Taiga's responsibility? Also, if we adventured together, you would end up either frozen or burnt."

"Yes...that is why we must search for this artifact. Together. Trust me, keeping someone around who can touch things without burning them to a crisp is actually pretty useful."

"She's right, you know," Taiga said, nodding. I couldn't believe that he was seriously siding with this eavesdropper who he had just met a few minutes ago!

"Ugh, do we have to?" I growled, shaking my wings. I hated the idea of traveling with someone I just met.

"Kinda, yeah," Taiga answered. "Unless you want the earth to crack and fire to rain from the sky."

How could he be so sure? This dragon could just be making things up. She could just be pretending to be a seer, and might have no foresight at all. But it seemed like Taiga trusted her without a doubt. I had no idea who Primrose was, but based on the way Taiga seemed to know her, she must be some kind of icon. He must have seen my eyes darting around and my breathing quicken, as he put a wing over my back, bringing me back to reality.

"You okay?" Taiga asked softly. His voice sent shivers down my spine. The good kind.

"U-um, yeah, totally fine!" I stammered before facing Primrose. "Can I trust you?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I assure you that I can be trusted," she responded. "Taiga already trusts you. If you can't trust me, then at least trust him." She had a point.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to deal with it."

"There is something you must know. There is a group of worshippers who wish to awaken the Frostfire. They are all NightWings. They could give us answers, but they could also get in our way." Primrose explained, her eyes darting between the two of us.

"So, we have to find the lost NightWing city?" Taiga asked.

"Yes. It's what I keep hearing in my visions," she answered.

I sighed. "Taiga. I don't know about you, but I need to go home. This is...overwhelming, to say the least. I've never had to save the world before."

"I understand, Magmatic. Let's go to your place and process this for a bit. Primrose, meet us back here in three days," Taiga said.

Primrose nodded. "I'll be here." She began to disappear into the scenery once again. I heard the wind whipping around her wings as she flew away. Taiga and I took off and headed towards my den in silence, overwhelmed by what had just happened.

Wings of Fire: Frost and Fireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن