The Trio

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Magmatic's point of view

A cold talon pressed against me. Taiga stared down at me, snowflakes falling through his eyes. It was far too early for him to be waking me up like this.

"Five more minutes..." I mumbled, yawning. I rolled over, trying to keep my face out of the sun.

"Come on, Magmatic. As much as I hate getting up so early, we need to talk to Primrose." He tried to shake me again, and my response was a low groan.

"But I'm so tired." I spread a wing, trying to protect myself from him.

"If you're not going to get up, then I'll just have to drag you out of bed," He said, a grin spreading across his face.

"You wouldn't dare." I groaned, spreading my other wing.

He grabbed onto me, pulling me out of the bed. I growled, rising to My feet. I shook my wings and huffed, lashing my tail.

"Is someone not a morning dragon?" He asked, poking me.

"Shut your snout, or I'll claw it off," I threatened. I could feel my eyes were barely open, and were burning dimly.

"It won't kill you to get there a little early, I promise." I lay back down on the floor, closing my eyes.

"Wake me up in two hours," I mumbled, curling my tail around my back leg.

Since I clearly wasn't going to get up myself, he decided to have a little fun. He shot a blast of frostbreath at the ceiling, and manipulated it to shatter. Icy shards began to rain down on top of me, and I leapt to my feet at the sudden cold.

"Huh? What did you do?" I looked around the cave in a defensive stance, my tail positioned above my head.

"You wouldn't get up," he said, shrugging.

"Ugh, but it's too early...!" I was cut off by Taiga grabbing me, and picking me up. Either I was light, or he was stronger than I thought. As he flew through the air towards our meeting spot, I thrashed violently like a dragonet in his talons.

"I am so going to bite you when you put me down," I said, glaring at him.

"Oh, no, I'm so scared! Whatever will I do?" He teased me, grinning from ear to ear.

I continued to claw at his talons and kick and squirm. Eventually, we reached the rocky perch where we first met Primrose. She wasn't there yet, so Taiga and I spent a while wrestling as I tried to get back at him for carrying her all the way. Eventually, part of the sky faded from blue to purple, marking Primrose's arrival.

"Hello, Taiga. It's good to see you again," she said, folding her wings.

I knew I still looked a little tired, but I tried my best to look enthusiastic.

"We've talked about our situation, and we've decided that we will help you," Taiga said calmly. Primrose's scales flickered pink for a moment, but they quickly faded back to their usual purple.

"Really? That's great news!" Primrose smiled, her tail beginning to wag behind her.

"We need answers," I said, my voice still a little sleepy. "We'll find this dragon, and we'll find that cave." Taiga nodded.

"Where do we start?" He asked.

"We must travel to the Night Kingdom. I am not sure what we'll find along the way, but I know how to get there."

"When can we leave?" I sat down, tilting my head to the side.

"We need to set out as soon as possible," Primrose answered. "If you have any unfinished business, I recommend you take care of it now."

"I'm fine," I said. "What about you, Taiga?"

He thought for a moment. "I don't have anything to do," he said, finally.

"Perfect," Primrose said, smiling a little. "Then we leave at noon."

My claws dug into the soft dirt below me as we approached the outskirts of the Sky Kingdom. Our adventure was about to begin. I was conflicted, wondering if I should leave my home. I reminded myself that this was my chance for my kingdom to see me as a better dragon.

Thinking back, I never thought I'd be on a journey to save the world with such an odd RainWing, and a dragon I could touch without burning him. But I certainly wouldn't change anything. After all, this was my destiny, and I was ready to meet it by the side of my new companions.

Taiga glanced back at me, as I  was holding my head high with confidence. "You ready?"

"I was born ready," I said, smirking.

"I've got a map ready," Primrose said with a hint of impatience.

"But it won't show us where the old Night Kingdom is!" I whined, stamping my foot on a patch of grass, causing it to burn.

"This one will," Primrose reassured me. "It's two thousand years old." She held the map up. The scroll was stained with dirt and some kind of liquid. It had clearly seen better days, but it gave us the information we needed.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Taiga asked, stepping forward. "Let's get going!"

I followed Taiga out of the Sky Kingdom, and our adventure to stop the Frostflame had officially begun. Together, the three of us would attempt to stop this cataclysmic event from happening, if this prophecy was even real. It was time to begin a new chapter in my life, one that could change everything for me. I could be seen as more than a monster, and so could Taiga. And at the same time, we could explore our relationship.

The grass below us began to fade to sand, as we approached the Kingdom of Sand. It would be difficult, but we would find our way around the desert on our way to the lost city of night.

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