The Discussion

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Hello everyone! The second part is finally complete! I hope you're as excited to read this as I am to release it! As always, you're welcome to leave feedback in the comments. Thank you so much for reading, and enjoy!

Taiga's point of view

"What do we do?"

It was a rainy night. Magmatic and I were cooped up in her den. Magmatic was unusually silent, indicating that I wasn't the only one deep in thought. First, the prophecy, then the mysterious dreamvisitior. I wondered why this was happening to us, then assumed it was because we were the most powerful dragons on Pyrrhia. It just didn't feel right. Our lives were mostly boring or lonely, but now that we've met, things are becoming quite the opposite. It was hard to adjust to, for both of us.

"You said she had a crescent moon on her snout?" Magmatic asked.

"Yes," I answered. "I couldn't see anything else besides her horns. She was wearing some kind of cloak that hid her other features."

"Maybe Primrose can tell us who she is, or what that cave was. All those symbols seem pretty important, and being asked for help with a dreamvisitor probably means she's in trouble."


A long silence fell over us. Magmatic was swinging her tail back and forth while she thought. I just stared at her worried orange eyes. They seemed to be burning darker than usual. I frowned, trying to figure out what to do next.

"So...we know nothing about her?" Magmatic asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Pretty much. The only clue we have is that she's in a lost city," I answered softly. I hoped that my tone would calm her down a little.

"She could be talking about the abandoned NightWing village. We should look there after we talk to Primrose," Magmatic suggested.

I nodded. Primrose seemed to be smart enough to help us find the village. She was famous for her journal covering the continent Solaria. It had everything from maps to detailed drawings and descriptions of the dragons and the continent. Her knowledge of geography was undeniable, plus what she seemed to know about us from her visions was valuable.

"So...this prophecy. What are we going to do about it?"

Magmatic flicked her tail. "We can figure that out along the way. If this prophecy is real, then maybe we can give it a shot."

"I'd love to look like a decent dragon for once, instead of being feared by everyone. Also, it would be a great opportunity to get to know you better." I smiled a little, stretching my wings out.

"Going on an adventure does sound fun," Magmatic said. "And I get to travel with someone who doesn't die when I graze them."

"Do you have anything left to lose?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, do you have any family here in the Sky Kingdom that you'd be leaving behind?"

"All of my family is either dead or doesn't like me, so no."

"At least nobody will be worried."
"What about you, Taiga? Do you have anything to lose?"

I closed my eyes, and thought for a moment. Suddenly, an old memory I had desperately wanted to forget decided to resurface.


A lifeless sculpture lay on the ground. What was once a dragon, now nothing more than a statue. A face of shock and horror on his face.

"He tried to-"

"You KILLED him!"

Taiga's mother stood above him, in tears. She was furious. She wanted so badly to hit him, but she couldn't. She didn't want to end up the same way as his father.

"You monster! Go away right now, before I find a way to kill you!"


"NO!" Taiga's mother screamed as loudly as she could, making Taiga jump. She reached down and touched the frozen body of his father, caressing his inanimate face.

"He was just trying to-"

"Get out of here before I call the guards! They have spears!"

"Please, just listen-"

She let out a roar, leaping at Taiga. He dodged out of the way, digging his claws into the ground to regain traction. She was far too angry to listen to him, or remember the fact that she would freeze if she tried anything.

"You killed your own father! That is unforgivable!"

"He was just trying to h-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" She shot frostbreath at Taiga. He blocked it with his wing, as it did nothing to his scales.

"Mother, please don't make me do this. If you keep attacking me, you'll..."

He was interrupted by his mother leaping at him again. He rolled to the side, and she rammed her head into the walls, staggering back.

"You leave me no choice."

Taiga slid across the ground, stretching his wing out. He touched his mother with it, and she began to freeze.

"" Taiga's mother spoke her final words as her body froze over. Soon, she was a statue on the ground. Taiga bolted away, catching the wind with his wings, shooting into the air. He flew as fast as he could, beating his wings with all his might. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care anymore.

That was when I knew I was a monster.

"Taiga? Taiga! You there?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Magmatic shook me.

"Yeah, yeah..." I blinked, looking up to meet Magmatic's eyes.

"You okay? You were just kind of...staring at me with this empty expression." Magmatic tried to imitate the look that was on my face, and I giggled.

"I'm fine. Your question just brought back some memories..." I sighed.

"So, is that a yes or a no?" Magmatic's eyes flickered.

"No, I don't have anything to lose," I answered.

"Perfect. I don't know about you, but I think it's about time we go talk to Primrose." She got up, peeking outside. It was raining more heavily than before.

"Looks like that'll have to wait until tomorrow," I said, rubbing my eyes. "This rain is making me tired."

"We can go to sleep if you'd like," she offered.

"Gladly." I motioned for her to come lay back down on her metal "bed" next to me.

Magmatic sat down on the bed, getting as comfortable as she could. I sprayed frost onto a portion of the bed, adjusting it so that the bed would be more comfortable.

"You're sleeping up here?" Magmatic tilted her head curiously.

"I'm too lazy to make a bed on the floor," I replied.

"Makes sense." She nodded, stretching out. I lay my head on her legs and fell asleep quickly, soothed by the warmth of her scales and the sound of the rain falling outside her little den

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