The guy's dead btw (5)

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*Chan's pov*

After dropping felix off at his place he didn't go back to his house instead he was headed towards the chambers so he could have some fun with his new toy.

It was a good 45 minute drive to reach the chambers but as soon he parked his car he saw a bunch of guards coming towards him “here for the new person?” one of the guards asked chan and he just nodded and they both took him to his next victim.

As he got closer to the door he heard faint screams “LET ME GO” “YOU WON'T GET ANYTHING FROM ME” “YOU ALL THINK YOU'RE REALLY CATCHING ME BUT YOU AREN'T” chan heard enough he signalled the guard that ‘he's got it’ and he opened the cell door to reveal a middle aged man who was tied up with chains “interesting” he mumbled and walked closer to the man “so chul are you gonna start talking and tell me who sent you or do you want me to force it out of you? your choice” chan said in a calm tone.

“Who the fuck do you think you are huh?” chul said with a disgusted look on his face.

“I think i am the person that can rip your heart out of your chest if you don't answer the fucking question” chan punched his gut making the man scream in pain “so who sent you” chul remained quiet and that annoyed chan “oh so we are playing the silent game? let's see how long that lasts” he pulled out his knife from his back of the shoe and he ripped chul's shirt off as he pressed the blade into his side then he started dragging the blade up slowly and chul screamed in agony “so who sent you and why were you in our area?” chul again didn't say anything so chan dug the blade in deeper into his skin the man screamed again louder chan realised it was working so he switched techniques “you have a lovely wife and your two daughters are so adorable it would be such a shame if someone went to your house and killed all them” chan smiled when he felt the man tense.

“P-please don't do anything to them I'll tell you everything please” chul begged and chan chuckled it always works they start talking when their family gets involved.

“So who sent you here and to do what?” chan questioned.

“I was sent by choi soobin to keep an eye on your area and see what you guys were up to” chul finally said it chan knew the answer but minho said “info first” he rolled his eyes.

“Thank you chul for being easy and your family will be safe but the bad news is my guy...” chan didn't finish his sentence.

“What's the bad news..” chul asked scared.

“That your family is safe but you aren't” Chan smiled at him and pulled out his gun and shot him right in the forehead, blood got on chan's clothes but he wasn't worried about that in the slightest.

Chan got out of the cell and stopped recording since everything was done, chan called a guard over “clean up the cell and get rid of the body” he commanded the guard nodded and started doing what he was told to.

Chan decided to go to changbin's house to inform him about the information he got and called everyone over there, he arrived in 20 minutes since the chamber and binnie's house were close he knocked on the door and binnie almost immediately opened it chan stepped inside and binnie closed the door behind them.

“So why are we here at 7 pm are we gonna have a sleepover?” jisung questioned and seungmin scrunched his nose in disgust.

“No we're not here to have a sleepover or whatever i have information and the guy's dead by the way” chan said the last statement was changbin and binnie rolled his eyes and chan knew that meant ‘i knew it’.

“So what's the information you have channie?” binnie asked and chan glared at him.

“Don’t call me that and he was sent by soobin to keep an eye on us” he pulled out his phone and played the recording from earlier.

“Gosh this man is obsessed it's been 5 years and this man is still stuck on a small thing like we just bought 3 of his drug sellers it's not a big deal” seungmin complained and rolled his eyes.

“Well to him it's not small can't we see that?” minho said with an annoyed look on his face.

“So what do we do now?” chan said because he didn't know what to do.

“We don't do anything we are supposed to lay low anyway so if you see their men kill them” changbin said and he looked dead serious so chan and the others just nodded in agreement.

“Oh and binnie hyung can i use your bathroom i need to shower and can i also borrow some clothes pleaseee I don't wanna scare my neighbour he's quite adorable” chan looked at changbin with the pout changbin sighed.

“Sure, also i remember you waving at those kids next to our table today at the cafe do you know who they are?” changbin questioned.

“Yeah it was my neighbour and i think his friends why are they bad people?” chan asked curious as to why changbin wants to know.

“No no no no they aren't bad i just wanted to know anyway yeah you can use the bathroom and borrow my clothes.


This chapter was intense but anyway did y'all like the chapter?

anyway stream side effects!!!! I'll see y'all in the next chapter now byeeeeee!!!

Mysterious crime | {Chanlix}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt