Chapter 5: Deep Swim

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In a warehouse, you used your katana to deflect a few bullets shot by a number of drug dealers before taking cover and shooting back.

You saw a grenade near your hiding spot and ran into the wall before it exploded. On your way up, you deflected a few more bullets as you entered the top room through a window.

A few dealers went up the stairs but you shot them before seeing a reflection of a gas barrel in a mirror. You aimed your gun out of a broken window and shot the barrel, causing an explosion that kills the rest of the drug dealers.

Before heading down, you saw one more dealer that took cover from the blast, and you decapitated them with your katana. Afterwards, you received your payment from Hotel Moscow for taking out a drug deal, and you returned to Lagoon Company Headquarters.

While you were counting your money, Revy and Rock enter.

Rock: "What'd you do before we got here?"

"Hotel Moscow had a drug dealer problem, so I helped and they paid me for it."

Revy: "You couldn't have taken the money that the dealers had?"

"Like I'm going my have drug money in my possession."

Dutch came in and sat down.

"Any missions, Dutch?"

Dutch: "Yes. Someone wants us to find a family heirloom."

Revy: "Let me guess, it's in a sunken ship?"

Dutch: "Yep. Better get our gear together."

"Sure thing, where do we get them?"

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