Chapter 10: Bittersweet Night

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As you stood by a light post, Revy came by and smoked before noticing you.

Revy: "You got something you wanted to say?"

"Not really. I was just wandering around the city."

Revy: "Were you just asking to be killed?"

"I don't know. Not trying sound like a depressed suicidal when I say that, but it's hard to find reasons living in this hellish world."

Revy: "Well, can't say I blame ya there. Shitty world, shitty childhood, and an even more shitty future. But my advice is that you should find something to keep you going. Money and guns are what keep me going."

"I've never really thought of that before."

Revy: "Well, let me ask you a stupid-ass question that, when I hear your answer, I'm most likely going to punch you."


Revy: "Are there any girls you want to do the deed with?"

You remained silent for a minute and waited for Revy to exhale.

"She's right next to me."

Revy paused for a minute before groaning.

Revy: "Dumbass."

After a few minutes of silence, Revy sighed.

Revy: "So, you want to get it over with tonight?"

You looked at Revy in silence and she looked back at you as she's smoking. At Lagoon Company, Rock is handling the expenses of the boat Lagoon Company's weapons.

Dutch: "Rock, why don't you get some sleep? We're going to be busy after tomorrow."

Rock: "Sure thing."

Dutch left, and Rock saw a note on the desk that read "Nerve". In the morning, you woke up and sees yours and Revy's clothes on the floor. You turned around and saw Revy sitting up and smoking.


Revy: "I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I am damn certain it's better than those bastards that made me do this against my will."

You didn't know what to say and remained silent.

Revy: "At least I'm not hearing any words of pity from you."

"Love does seem like a meaningless concept, but, I like you."

Revy: "It was just one time. It doesn't mean anything. But, I won't kick you out yet. Just go back to bed."

You looked away as Revy finished her cigarette and put it out before throwing it across the room. She laid back down and hugged you.

Revy: "There are some people I don't want to die anytime soon. You're one of them."

"I could say the same for you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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