Chapter 8: Our Choices

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In the Lagoon Company headquarters, you were sitting down while Rock is handling the finances.

"Rock, can I ask you a question?"

Rock: "What's up?"

"How did you join this group?"

Rock: "I was on a business trip in the South China Sea, and they raided my boat for the disk I was carrying. Dutch took the disk and Revy took me hostage to try and ransom me."

"Did she actually think about how she would do that?"

Rock: "Not really. Dutch pointed that out and Revy tried to shoot me."

Revy came in and sat down.

Revy: "So what are you two talking about?"

"About how you nearly killed Rock the first time you met him."

Revy: "Oh, relax. I missed."

Rock: "Yeah, then we had to deal with mercenaries and then a freaking helicopter."

"You guys took down a helicopter?"

Revy: "Yeah. It was fun, but I'm never doing that again."

"So, I guess you had a life on the normal side of this world?"

Rock: "I guess that's one way of looking at it. But, my managers kept treating me like crap, so I choose to take my chances in Lagoon Company."

"Better to take your chances here than over there. I had the same thought when I ended up here."

Revy: "Same. Any of you guys got a smoke?"

"Here," you said as you pulled a cigarette from his pocket and tossed it to Revy.

Revy: "Thanks."

"Hey, you guys want to get a drink later?"

Rock: "Sure."

Revy: "I'm always down for a drink."


The three of you went to Yellow Flag and ordered some drinks.

"So, what job do you think we will have next?"

Revy: "Hell if I know. I just hope it'll pay a lot. A lot of our clients don't pay much."

"Well, we can't always be choosers in this business."

Revy: "You can say that again."

Rock: "I'm sure we'll be busy enough to be making money."

After finishing your drinks, Rock headed back to his place while you and Revy hung around outside and smoke. Revy's lighter isn't working, so you offered your lit cigarette.

"Thanks," she said as she put her cigarette on it and lit it.

"Any time."

You two continued smoking as you looked at the cars driving by.

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