Chapter 9: Just Relaxing

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You are in the Lagoon Company Headquarters, sitting down next to Revy.

"Hey Revy," you asked, "Where did you say you're from?"

Revy: "New York. Like I said before, I had to deal with a shitty as fuck father from the moment I was born. I ended up coming across a bunch of corrupt pigs from the NYPD, and my father didn't even care and just demanded that I hand him a drink."

"Piece of shit didn't care about the bruises and obvious signs of being assaulted."

Revy: "Yep. So I grabbed a pillow, smothered his face with it, and shot him till he stopped moving."

"I know that even you are going to find this fucked up, but I think you let him off too easy."

Revy: "Yeah, I could have done so much more to him. I could have grabbed something else and beat him into a bloody mess, but I wanted everything to be over with and I didn't see any other way that was quiet enough to give me enough time to escape."

"I'd say sorry, but I have no idea what you've been through."

Revy: "It's fine. I find that better than you pitying me."

"I don't give pity, nor do I take it. I don't even know my parents at all. I grew up with the gangs in L.A. and have just seen it all. From what I was told, I was just a baby left for dead in an alley."

Revy: "Compared to my life, I'm pretty jealous."

"I don't think you should be jealous of shit that other people live through," you said.

Revy: "When was the last time that saying did anything?"

"Yeah, you're probably right about that."

You went to the fridge and brought out a few cans of beer.

"Hey, Revy, want some?"

Revy: "You know I won't say no to that."

You walked back and handed Revy one before drinking from yours.

"I never took any sides when I ended up in this business. I found it better that way."

Revy: "Same. I only accept wherever has the most money. But, that doesn't happen very often."

"Well, we take what we get, and our styles are better than just rolling over and die."

Revy: "Amen to that."

You and Revy clicked your cans before finishing your drinks.

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