Chapter 7: New Cargo

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After taking a shower and putting your clothes on, you received a call.

"You got V," you responded.

Revy: "Hey V, I'm heading to headquarters. You better get your ass there as well."

"Already heading over there."

After hanging up, you left your apartment and walked through the streets of Roanapur, seeing multiple people conversing, stealing, making deals, or cleaning up the remains of a fight from last night.

"Just every day in freaking Roanapur," you thought. "Don't come here unless you know your odds."

You arrived at Lagoon Company Headquarters and sat down just as soon as Revy and Rock come in.

Revy: "Damn it. I thought we were going to get here first."

"Maybe next time. So, what do we have today?"

Rock: "We're waiting for Dutch. He always tells us about the missions. Those that you went on by yourself were ones that Balalaika considered needed your skills for them."

"Makes sense. My first solution isn't always turning things into a bloodbath."

Revy: "Fuck off."

Dutch entered the room and sat down.

Rock: "Hey Dutch. What job do we have?"

Dutch: "Transporting some cargo to the mainland. We are expected to keep it fully intact, and that won't be easy since there's a chance that information might have been leaked."

"Good news Revy, you may get a chance to kill a lot of people."

Revy: "How much they paying?"

Dutch: "60 grand. Let's get to the boat. We got to head out right after they hand over the cargo."

The Lagoon Company headed to the boat and you helped Dutch bring the cargo onto the boat. Dutch drives the boat away from the docks and headed to the mainland.

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