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Adrianna's POV:

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Adrianna's POV:

I was born into a family of old money and being the eldest child meant, not only was it my duty to uphold the family name, but marry a person suitable of said name.

This effectively means I have to marry someone who also comes from great wealth and will in turn reinforce my family's wealth.

It sounds like a lot but I have been raised with this being told to me my whole life and willingly accept it so my siblings can marry who they please.

If I marry someone with a high enough status then my sisters and brothers will have the right to marry someone they love, maybe even someone with a lower status than us.

That would be nice to see.

With this goal in mind, I have never dated anyone whose family wasn't swimming in riches. But to be honest it wasn't that hard to find them as I've been in private schools my whole life.

I know this makes my parents sound like horrible control freaks who only had children to inherit the family business, but I promise they're not completely like that. My parents do love their children.

From the second we were born, my siblings and I have never been turned down a request when we wanted something.

We were spoilt rotten, for lack of a better phrase, but we are not spoilt brats. My sisters and I had been raised to be obedient, smart, resilient and modest but also levelheaded and strong.

Whereas my brothers were raised to be protective, decisive, strong, brave and calm but also outgoing and playful.

In short, the women in my family were raised to be mentally stronger than the boys, but wasn't that the natural order anyway?

My family isn't very patriarchal when it comes to the business. It was more like a first come, first serve system and since I was the first born, I am going to be the one who inherits the business when they step down.

When it came to the household my mother was very much the one in control. My father only presented to be in control when we had guests on the estate, otherwise he was more of a yes man for my mother.

I love my father, but I can't stand when he says yes to every order she barks out, I prefer someone stronger.

I once asked my dad why he follows everything my mother says and he responded:

"I learned early on in my relationship with your mother that agreeing with her was much smarter than going against her and she's normally correct. Your mother is a very smart woman Anna, and doesn't make orders blindly, she thinks everything through very carefully before making any decisions. The only reckless thing she has ever done was marrying me, and even then she found a way to regain her control. As the saying goes, 'if you have a happy wife, you will have a happy life' and saying yes to your mother makes her very happy".

I understood that more as I grew up. Dad, Seo-Jun Kim, is 44 years old and has black hair with a few greys mixed in, dark mono-lidded eyes, soft wrinkles and deep dimples.

With them both being born and raised in Korea, my parents favored conservatism, but my dad has always been one to go with the times and adjust slowly, whereas my mother likes what she likes and despises change if she was not the one to initiate or plan it.

My mother, Ji-Ho Kim, is 40 and has jet black hair, dark brown, mono-lidded eyes and was basically wrinkle free as it was very rare she showed any emotion.

She loves to be in control of everything and everyone around her, I guess you could say it is an unconscious habit of hers. But when someone doesn't follow her orders exactly as she says, it doesn't turn out well.

My full name is Adrianna Kim. I am 19, 5ft 7 and the eldest out of my three sisters and two brothers. I have deep dimples, almond shaped eyes that are shaded a deep brown, plump lips, a heart shaped face and straight black hair. We live in England, but our parents spend a lot of time travelling to and from foreign countries for work.

They also spend a lot of time in Korea to see my grandparents. Sometimes, they'd bring us with them but only really if my grandparents asked to see us, my mother much preferred we stayed home to study or work.

Dad always wants to bring us back home with them but my mother's word is law, so 'no' really meant 'don't even try to go against me'.

Fun right?

~ 🤍 ~

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